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Https:// :// er_saturn_retro_photo.html The motion of.

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Presentation on theme: "Https:// :// er_saturn_retro_photo.html The motion of."— Presentation transcript:

1 :// er_saturn_retro_photo.html The motion of Jupiter and Saturn between May 2000 and April 2001 as they passed through the Taurus Constellation. The Pleiades is just above and slightly to the right of center

2 Science was born when the motion of the planets (in this case Venus) was at last explained on the basis of physical laws.

3 Mars Apparent _retrogra de_motio n_of_Mars _in_2003. gif


5 Retrograde Motion of Jupiter and Saturn: "This photo animation of Jupiter (brighter) and Saturn (dimmer) clearly reveals their retrograde motion. Their observation began shortly after their conjunction in May of 2000 and continued for eleven months, as they passed through the constellation of Taurus. Two star clusters are also visible, the Pleiades (the dipper shape just above center) and they Hyades (the "lazy V" below and left of center)."conjunction :// 5.motion_planets/jupiter_saturn_retro_photo.html

6 No higher resolution available. Apparent_retrograde_motion_of_Mars_in_200 3.gifApparent_retrograde_motion_of_Mars_in_200 3.gif ‎ (400 × 400 pixels, file size: 72 KB, MIME type: image/gif, looped, 79 frames, 9.8s) Note: Due to technical limitations, thumbnails of high resolution GIF images such as this one will not be animated.

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