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Introduction to Hadith Studies

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1 Introduction to Hadith Studies
LESSON TWO The Resources of Narrations

2 Forms of Hadiths: Verbal Form: This is a type of Hadith that someone heard from an Infallible (as), memorized it, and then narrated it to others. This is based on two essential components: listening and memorizing. Its format is “I heard so-and-so say…(Hadith)”, or “I saw so-and-so…do (action)”, or “I saw so-and-so acknowledging an action/(not disapproving)” … The second person who narrates from the first narrator depends only on his hearing. *

3 2. Written form: This type of Hadith is where the first person writes the words, actions, or acknowledgements of an Infallible (as). * The verbal form was mostly practiced by the early companions, especially by the companions of the Holy Prophet (s).

4 History of recording the Hadiths:
It is said by the school of companions, that the Holy Prophet (s) prohibited the companions to write his sayings, so that the Hadiths would not be confused with the ayats of the Qur’an. But, such a claim is not supported by authentic evidence. On the contrary, there are few companions who did write the Holy Prophet’s (s) sayings, and although he (s) did not prohibit them from doing so, he (s) acknowledged such action.

5 The companions have mentioned four famous writers of Hadiths during the time of the prophet (s). Among them is Jabir, son of Abdullah the Ansari. One of the companions asked the prophet (s) about people, such as Umar, who were forbidding others from writing Hadiths. Umar had said that the prophet (s) is human, and that he (s) might become angry and say something in error or that would be incorrect. The prophet (s) responded to the companion by pointing at his mouth, and saying to write whatever comes from this mouth, as whatever comes from his mouth is righteous and truth. This Hadith is not just an acknowledgement, but is also a command to write the Hadith.

6 There are reasons mentioned for Umar’s prohibition on writing and recording the Hadiths. The most obvious reason is that he was afraid that the Muslims might do as the Jews did when they mixed up the Tawraat with the quotes of the prophets (s). The Jews then followed the Hadiths and abandoned the Tawraat. The political and not-so-obvious reason was to prevent writing the merits and praises of Imam Ali (as) and the Ahlul-Bayt (as) in an attempt to hide their assigned responsibility by God. One of the companions had a entire script of Hadiths of the prophet (s) regarding Imam Ali (as) which was later taken by Abdul ibn (son of) Masood and then dipped in a bowl of water which washed all the ink from the scripture.

7 Recording the Hadiths by the school of companions
Followers of the companions used the concept of Umar until the Ummawee ruler, Umar ibn (son of) Abdul Aziz, ordered the recording of Hadiths. The recording went through 3 stages:

8 Mid of the second century: During this period, all the scattered Hadiths were collected. The famous book of this time was Mowata by Ibn Malik. Period of Masneed: In this period Hadiths of the prophet (s) were separated from other narrations. The famous masnad is masnad of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal. Period of Sahaah (Saheeh or correct Hadiths): In this period, correct Hadiths were filtered from the incorrect Hadiths. The first book in this era was the Saheeh of Bukhari.

9 The famous books of Hadiths in the school of companions are:
Mowta of Ibn Malik ibn Anas Mosnad of Ahmed ibn Hanbal Jame-Saheeh (compilation of correct/saheeh Hadiths.)- Bokhari Jame-Saheeh (compilation of correct/saheeh Hadiths.)- Muslim Sunan of Abu Dawood Sunan of Sejestani Sunan of Nassae Sunan of Ibn Majah

10 Recording of the Hadiths in the school of Ahlul-Bayt
The first to write Hadiths were Imam Ali (as) and the followers of Imam Ali (as). They ignored the prohibition of the companions and continued writing the sayings of the Infallibles (as). Imam Ali (as) used to write every word and action of the prophet (s) in minute detail. Fatima bint (daughter of) prophet (s) had compiled a book in her name (Moshaf Fatima). Book of Ali (as), or Kitab Ali (as), was the first book written in Islam regarding the Hadiths of the prophet (s).

11 Shi’a and recording of the Hadiths
1- Small compilation period: In this first period, the books compiled were called Usool, meaning the “basic” or “root” books. These “root” books were compiled by the companions of the Infallibles (as) directly from one to one without any third person in between. These Usool books were numbered to be around 400, and are considered to be the “400 Usool (basic) books.” This large number of books is due to two reasons: 1) plenty of narrators and, 2) plenty of narrations.

12 The 400 Usool books: These are called the “Usool” books because scholars refer to them. These books contain narrations from the Imam directly by either the first or the second person. The older scholars have relied on these books and consider these narrations to be correct (saheeh). If the narrator is one of those mentioned in the Usool books, then he is considered to be an accredited narrator, and is merited for his narrations. Example: Ibn (son of) Taglob, Ishaaq ibn Ammar al-Sabaati.

13 Other books of compiled Hadiths:
There are a few other books in addition to the 400 Usool books, but they were not supported by scholars of the school of Ahlul-Bayt (as).

14 The large compiled books of Hadiths:
These books are divided into two categories: the earlier ones and the later ones. (a) The earlier ones: The sanad (supported chain of narrators) begins with the author of the book and ends with one of the narrators of the 400 Usool books (those whom had heard the Hadith from the Infallible (as) directly, or through the first or second person.). The classification of the Hadiths is based on the topic of jurisprudence [Salaat, Sawm (fasting) etc...] These earlier ones are called the “four books” or Al Kutob ul-Arba’a which are listed as follows.

15 # Book Author Year Total topics No. of chapters Total Hadiths 1
Al-Kafi Abi Jaffer Mohd. Ibn Ya’qoob AL-Kulayni 328 34 (8 vol.) 326 16200 2 Man la yahdhorho Al-Faqhi Abi Jaffer Mohd. Ibn Baba wayh AL-Qumi 381 42 (4 vol.) 666 6000 3 Tehdheeb Abi Jaffer Mohd. Ibn Hassan AL-Toosee 460 11 vol. 393 13600 4 Istibsar Abi Jaffer Mohd. Ibn Hassan AL_Toosee 3 vol. 5500

16 (b) The later ones: This attempt was an effort to
compile whatever was available in the earlier 4 books and add to them whatever might have been left out. These are as follows: Number Book Author Year Topics No. of Hadiths 1 Al- Wafi Faidh al-Kashani 1091 14 50000 2 Al-Wasael Hur al-Amili 1104 71 36000 (20 volumes) 3 Bihar ol-anwar Allama Majlisi (The encyclopedia of shi'a Hadiths) 1110 25 110 volumes 4 Mostadrak al-Wasael Mirza al-Noori 1320 23000 (18 volumes)

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