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City of Lakeland Business Zoning BRANDON BELL AND ELIZABETH HOWARD.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Lakeland Business Zoning BRANDON BELL AND ELIZABETH HOWARD."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Lakeland Business Zoning BRANDON BELL AND ELIZABETH HOWARD

2 Mixed-Use Zoning PROS  Makes oversight more flexible  Promotes new developments due to multi- use  Can make oversight of area simpler

3 Mixed-Use Zoning CONS  Can create a loss of structure, which can lead to a loss of identity in the area  Less control over how the area is manages  Can complicate permit processes in the future

4 Mixed-Use Zoning RECOMMENDATIONS  Maintain current zoning districts  Create a regulation for the development of multifamily dwellings as conditional uses in business districts

5 Business Licensing PROS  Equality in business management  Correctly uses conditional use permits  Align with other MN cities

6 Business Licensing CONS  Eliminates individual management of businesses  Holds all businesses to the same standards  Must overhaul current system

7 Business Licensing RECOMMENDATIONS  Establish a business licensing system  Ensure business licenses are being properly issued  Use conditional use permits as the exception, not the standard

8 Home Occupations  There is no across-the-board standard for MN cities  Lakeland is flexible in some areas, less flexible in others  Lakeland does allow on-street parking, does not allow signage

9 Home Occupations Continued…  Create specific guidelines regarding signage, parking, and exterior storage that are built around flexibility  Strive to develop a flexible home business environment which is still manageable by the city and is also reasonable for neighbors  Possibly consider a system like the one being utilized by Wayzata

10 Questions?  Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns  Brandon Bell   Elizabeth Howard 

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