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PERICHORESIS & Communion The Communion of the Trinity (Students’ presentation)

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1 PERICHORESIS & Communion The Communion of the Trinity (Students’ presentation)

2 GOD IS ETERNAL LIVING Life, which is the highest and richest concept has rightly been attributed to God. Life, which is the highest and richest concept has rightly been attributed to God. In OT God is presented as the Lord who lives, the source of life, who enters into a covenant relationship with his people, who saves the poor and oppressed, who sets them free. In OT God is presented as the Lord who lives, the source of life, who enters into a covenant relationship with his people, who saves the poor and oppressed, who sets them free. A tender God who builds his kingdom in history by promoting life, justice, love and peace. A tender God who builds his kingdom in history by promoting life, justice, love and peace.

3 In the OT, God is seen as living and actively involved in his people’s history. In the OT, God is seen as living and actively involved in his people’s history. In the NT, Jesus is shown as clearly understanding himself as life personified: that his life and his mission consisted to bringing life and bringing it abundantly. In the NT, Jesus is shown as clearly understanding himself as life personified: that his life and his mission consisted to bringing life and bringing it abundantly.

4 What Comprises Life? ATTRIBUTES TO A LIVING BEING ATTRIBUTES TO A LIVING BEING Spontaneity, inexhaustible, varied process of development from within manifesting itself in an outward relationship. Spontaneity, inexhaustible, varied process of development from within manifesting itself in an outward relationship. Organism Organism Self-functioning Self-functioning Architectonic totality Architectonic totality Reproduction Reproduction

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7 Life consist in self realization of an Ex-istent SELF… life draws life from its own being SELF… life draws life from its own being …and not from outside …it is from with in thus the interiority of living beings

8 REALIZATION … transforming what is potential to reality. For life is a continual process of emergence, production and expansion, a continual coming-to-be with-out end. REALIZATION … transforming what is potential to reality. For life is a continual process of emergence, production and expansion, a continual coming-to-be with-out end. This reality is more real because of the PRESENCE. It is not a mere concept but life in process. This reality is more real because of the PRESENCE. It is not a mere concept but life in process. Life calls to life… we grasp of life within by sharing it and living together. Life calls to life… we grasp of life within by sharing it and living together.


10 Ex -ISTENT… it is the property of a being that from within relates outwards to another… Ex -ISTENT… it is the property of a being that from within relates outwards to another… …. It establishes communion and relationship and participation in giving and receiving… …. It establishes communion and relationship and participation in giving and receiving…

11 If the life we live is loaded with ambiguities, because its is always against death, human hope is set therefore on a life no longer threatened by death, it is on a process of self- realization that is continually renewed in line with the future… If the life we live is loaded with ambiguities, because its is always against death, human hope is set therefore on a life no longer threatened by death, it is on a process of self- realization that is continually renewed in line with the future…

12 So when we speak of God we mean the One who is eternal life and living eternally. God is simply the LIVING ONE. OT and NT So when we speak of God we mean the One who is eternal life and living eternally. God is simply the LIVING ONE. OT and NT God is more than life…God is absolute living. God is more than life…God is absolute living. Unlike creatures, God is not depend on a difficult equilibrium continually threatened and destroyed by death. Creatures pass through life but God remains in life. For God we can say that the eternal life consists in the self-realization of the eternal Ex-istent.

13 Our faith profess that this eternal Life is gushing out as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are three Livings with each gushing forth to the others, bestowing ceaselessly on the other except the indestructible fact of being an Ex-istent distinct from the other. Our faith profess that this eternal Life is gushing out as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are three Livings with each gushing forth to the others, bestowing ceaselessly on the other except the indestructible fact of being an Ex-istent distinct from the other. Each person is for, through, with, and in the others. Thus they exist for the others… communing Each person is for, through, with, and in the others. Thus they exist for the others… communing

14 God is Infinite Communing Death is the break with all vital links, it is absolute solitude. But God is infinite, eternal communing. God can be understood in terms of relationship. This can be approached by: Death is the break with all vital links, it is absolute solitude. But God is infinite, eternal communing. God can be understood in terms of relationship. This can be approached by:

15 analytical… presence… presenting oneself and offering a welcome to another… presence… presenting oneself and offering a welcome to another… reciprocity… the movement comes from both sides. it is not an effort of one party. the intimacy however does not mean fusion. each retains its own identity … reciprocity… the movement comes from both sides. it is not an effort of one party. the intimacy however does not mean fusion. each retains its own identity … immediacy… wanting to be with the other through one’s presence… immediacy… wanting to be with the other through one’s presence…

16 philosophical… openness… opening up one’s self to freely give and to willingly receive. Mark of the Spirit openness… opening up one’s self to freely give and to willingly receive. Mark of the Spirit transcendence… going out of one’s self to relate with another… establishing bonds. transcendence… going out of one’s self to relate with another… establishing bonds. US is the resulting community US is the resulting community ikaw + ako = kita this is community is actually one single whole being this is community is actually one single whole being

17 theological the values and attributes we find with communion, if experienced by us creatures, then must be rooted in God, who is also the ultimate model of our relationships. the values and attributes we find with communion, if experienced by us creatures, then must be rooted in God, who is also the ultimate model of our relationships. God has been experienced as communing. In the experiences of the old testament times, in the person of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit working especially in the Church. God has been experienced as communing. In the experiences of the old testament times, in the person of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit working especially in the Church.

18 New Testament best express God as communion. New Testament best express God as communion. St. Paul has the two channels of communion: faith and eucharist. St. Paul has the two channels of communion: faith and eucharist. Communion with Christ means communion with the Spirit. Communion with Christ means communion with the Spirit. Early Church community was defined as communio sanctorum The eucharist was an expression of this communion. At the present, communion is the basic dimension of anthropology, ecclesiology and pol. activities of a Christian.

19 God is communion because God is a Trinity of Persons Three Persons and a single communion and a single trinitarian community God is always Father, Son, Holy Spirit, not one for itself This leads us to our unity with the Trinity “ that they may be one as we are one…” Jn. 17:22 The Trinity is reflected in people, in their love and relationships The Father and the Son love each other absolutely and eternally, this is the Holy Spirit.



22 What it means? Perichoresis (Greek)= Circumincessio and Circumincessio (Latin) Perichoresis (Greek)= Circumincessio and Circumincessio (Latin) The word Perichoresis express the interpenetration of one Person by the others. The word Perichoresis express the interpenetration of one Person by the others.

23 Gospel of John “Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me;” (Jn. 14:10-11) “Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me;” (Jn. 14:10-11) “the Father and I are one” (Jn. 10:30) “the Father and I are one” (Jn. 10:30)

24 The 2 Meanings of Perichoresis First: One thing being contained in another, dwelling in, being in another. First: One thing being contained in another, dwelling in, being in another. This understanding was translated by circuminsessio, a word derived from sedere and sessio (being seated, having its seat in, seat. This understanding was translated by circuminsessio, a word derived from sedere and sessio (being seated, having its seat in, seat. Communion in Trinity: one person is in the others, sorrounds the others, fills them with presence. Communion in Trinity: one person is in the others, sorrounds the others, fills them with presence.

25 Second: The interpenetration or interweaving of one Person with the others and in the others Second: The interpenetration or interweaving of one Person with the others and in the others This meaning was translated as circumincessio, derived from incedere, meaning to permeate, com-penetrate and interpenetrate This meaning was translated as circumincessio, derived from incedere, meaning to permeate, com-penetrate and interpenetrate

26 The Interpenetration of the Persons: Principle of Union in the Trinity The Perichoresis communion is used in order to express the union of the Trinity. Keeping the Christian experience of God as always being Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It expresses that union better than any formula.

27 The specific revelation of the Trinity according to the New Testament; Jesus Christ is the center. He is conscious of being the Son. He maintain an intimate relationship with the Father. He feels that he sent by the Father.

28 The Father and the Son are one. This union is Dynamic and reciprocal and a true indwelling. Between the Father and the Son there is a genuine, complete Perechoresis communion. Together with the Father and the Son, there is the Holy Spirit.

29 Unity in Trinity, since they are always one with the others and in the others. For it always a union of Persons. They are not embodiments of One (nature or substance or absolute Spirit or subject) but three Subjects in eternal and therefore essential communion, always united and interpenetrating one another.

30 The Perichoreses Communion model is the most adequate way of expressing revelation of the Trinity as a communicated and witnessed by the Scripture. The specific revelation of the Trinity according to the New Testament; Jesus Christ is the center. He is conscious of being the Son. He maintain an intimate relationship with the Father. He feels that he sent by the Father.

31 They are not embodiments of One (nature or substance or absolute Spirit or subject) but three Subjects in eternal and therefore essential communion, always united and interpenetrating one another. The true unity of the Trinity is made up of the communion Perechoresis of the three Divine Persons.

32 The Always Triadic Relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit The classical expression The classical expression 1. cause 2. begetting 3. processions

33 The trinity We start with the Trinity: with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in eternal perichoresis. We start with the Trinity: with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in eternal perichoresis. God is a Trinity of Person intertwined in love and communion. God is a Trinity of Person intertwined in love and communion. Their relationship is one of reciprocal participation rather than hypostatic derivation (correlation and communion) rather than production and procession. Their relationship is one of reciprocal participation rather than hypostatic derivation (correlation and communion) rather than production and procession.

34 What is produced and proceeds One person is the condition for the revelation of the others, infinite dynamism like a series of mirrors endlessly reflecting the image of the Three. One person is the condition for the revelation of the others, infinite dynamism like a series of mirrors endlessly reflecting the image of the Three. This emphasis on communion and perrichoresis, always triadic relationship operating between the Person. This emphasis on communion and perrichoresis, always triadic relationship operating between the Person. This preischoretic communion does not result from the person, but is simultaneous with them, originates with them. This preischoretic communion does not result from the person, but is simultaneous with them, originates with them.

35 Everything in God is triadic everything is Patreque, Filioque and Spirituque. everything is Patreque, Filioque and Spirituque. The coordinate conjunction “and” applies absolutely to the three Persons “and” is always and everywhere. The coordinate conjunction “and” applies absolutely to the three Persons “and” is always and everywhere. We should say that the Father reveals himself through the Son and the Holy Spirit as the inviting, utterly mysterious, a mystery both of the paternal and maternal. We should say that the Father reveals himself through the Son and the Holy Spirit as the inviting, utterly mysterious, a mystery both of the paternal and maternal. The father reveals the Son as His Word with the participation of the Spirit, who is always the Spirit of the Son and the Father. The father reveals the Son as His Word with the participation of the Spirit, who is always the Spirit of the Son and the Father. The Son is “begotten” by the Father in the Holy Spirit. The Son is “begotten” by the Father in the Holy Spirit.

36 In trinitarian terms The Father “beget” the Son Spirituque (that is in communion with the Holy Spirit) The Father “beget” the Son Spirituque (that is in communion with the Holy Spirit) The Son reveals the Father in the light of the Holy Spirit (who “reaches” the depths of everything) 1 Cor. 2:10 The Son reveals the Father in the light of the Holy Spirit (who “reaches” the depths of everything) 1 Cor. 2:10 The Son is also revealed to the Holy Spirit as co-related to the father. The Son is also revealed to the Holy Spirit as co-related to the father. Both of the Father and the Son reveal to the Spirit unfathomable mystery of the Father in his overflowing outpouring of love and self-bestowal Both of the Father and the Son reveal to the Spirit unfathomable mystery of the Father in his overflowing outpouring of love and self-bestowal The Spirit “proceed” from the Father and rests on the Son, (ex Patre Filioque). The Spirit “proceed” from the Father and rests on the Son, (ex Patre Filioque).

37 Con.. The Spirit reveals the power of the Father, manifest as Wisdom in the Son. The Spirit reveals the power of the Father, manifest as Wisdom in the Son. The Spirit is an infinite power of love and union through communion. The Spirit is an infinite power of love and union through communion. The Spirit and the Son share in the unborn quality of the Father and together witness to the diversity and communion in the Trinity. The Spirit and the Son share in the unborn quality of the Father and together witness to the diversity and communion in the Trinity. It is the Holy Spirit who permits the Father and the Son to love one another infinitely. It is the Holy Spirit who permits the Father and the Son to love one another infinitely. Finally, each Person receives everything from the others and at the same time gives everything to the others. As they are Three Uniques. The unity of the same and only Trinitarian God Finally, each Person receives everything from the others and at the same time gives everything to the others. As they are Three Uniques. The unity of the same and only Trinitarian God

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