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Helping Gulf Coast Communities Navigate Climate Considerations Ann Weaver March 6, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping Gulf Coast Communities Navigate Climate Considerations Ann Weaver March 6, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping Gulf Coast Communities Navigate Climate Considerations Ann Weaver March 6, 2012

2 Overview NOAA Coastal Services Center Climate Focus Data, Tools, Training Collaborative Efforts

3 NOAA Coastal Services Center Climate Commitment The Center provides the data, tools, and information coastal communities need: To understand the impacts of climate variability and change To take the steps necessary to plan for, respond to, and adapt to climate risks

4 Digital Coast

5 “ Snapshots” of Your County Coastal County Snapshots

6 “Snapshots” of County Flood Hazards

7 “Snapshots” of County Flood Hazards Jackson County, Mississippi

8 “Snapshots” of County Economic Data

9 “Snapshots” of County Wetland Data

10 CanVis Visualization Software

11 CanVis Visualization Software Easy to Use No Geographic Information System (GIS) Required Present Day / Current Conditions Simulation Approximately 1.5 meters (~5 feet) above Mean High Water

12 Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Impacts Viewer

13 Sea Level Rise Impacts 1 ft. SLR Current

14 Visualizing Confidence

15 Marsh Impacts Current

16 Marsh Impacts 1 ft. SLR

17 Social and Economic Vulnerability

18 Coastal Climate Adaptation Resources

19 Sea Level Rise Exercise Training 1.Coastal Community Planning and Development 2.Roadmap for Adapting to Coastal Risks 3.Coastal Inundation Mapping 4.CanVis 5.Project Design and Evaluation 6.Public Issues and Conflict Management

20 Climate Community of Practice (CoP) What is a Climate CoP? EOE professionals working together to: Achieve common outcomes; Learn from each other; and, Develop a set of effective common approaches that can be refined over time. Objective To create a climate-literate public that: Understands its vulnerabilities to a changing climate and Makes informed decisions. April 16-18 at Bourbon Orleans Partners NERRs NEPs Sea Grant Programs CZMPs CSC National Marine Sanctuaries NMFS USGS IOOS RISAs

21 Ann Weaver (228-688-2061) or Marian Hanisko (228) 818-8840 Questions?

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