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Parliament’s Legislative Business: Policymaking to Contribute to Conflict Prevention & Resolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Parliament’s Legislative Business: Policymaking to Contribute to Conflict Prevention & Resolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parliament’s Legislative Business: Policymaking to Contribute to Conflict Prevention & Resolution

2 Parliaments & policymaking The Function: Representation Lawmaking Policymaking The Conflict: It is easier to represent competing interests than to make agreements among them.

3 Parliaments and policymaking Types of Legislation Rubber stamp – approves what executive sends Arena – discussion and debate Transformative – rewrites legislation and budgets Emerging – transitioning from weaker to stronger Rubber Stamp ArenaTransformative Emerging

4 Parliament’s Role in Peace Take initiative to broker peace accords Act for executive during conflict/instability Search for solutions Act to limit violent conflict Reform politics to check the executive Direct government funds to poor/conflict areas

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