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Use of a Digital Micromirror Array as a Configurable Mask in Optical Astronomy Shawn Gilliam Advisor: Dr. William Hetherington Research Associate: Teal.

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Presentation on theme: "Use of a Digital Micromirror Array as a Configurable Mask in Optical Astronomy Shawn Gilliam Advisor: Dr. William Hetherington Research Associate: Teal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use of a Digital Micromirror Array as a Configurable Mask in Optical Astronomy Shawn Gilliam Advisor: Dr. William Hetherington Research Associate: Teal Pershing

2 DMA Apparatus 2 12” Cassegrain Telescope Digital Micromirror Array Charge Coupled Device DMA CCD Telescope Lens

3 3 Zoomed Optical Transfer Function

4 Coronagraph 4

5 Lyot Stop 5 Aperture Masking Interferometry Primary Secondary Tertiary Aperture Mask Bold black represents the section of the primary mirror that is passed through the system.

6 Backlit holes in black cardboard with 0.5 cm separation, at 10 m. Angular separation of 100 ±20 arcseconds. 6 Dim Center Star

7 Pixels of a monitor, configured to a separation of 0.216 mm at 13 m. Angular separation of 3.4 ±0.1 arcseconds. 7

8 LED’s, one much brighter than the other, placed 0.4 cm apart at 40 m. Angular separation of 25 ±5 arcseconds. 8

9 9 Profile plot across image at x = 370

10 Other Achievements 10 Fourier Transform Lab used in PH 481. Fresnel Zone Plate Mask Designs.

11 Conclusion The DMA Apparatus is a useful tool for optical astronomy. Angular resolution of 3.4 ±0.1 arcseconds. Light from bright sources can be reduced. 11

12 Future Directions Construct a workable apparatus that can be used for night viewing. Obtain a complete description of the Optical Transfer Function. Incorporate a variety of masking techniques. 12

13 References [1] “Robust Coronagraphy with an APP.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 04-Jun-2012]. [2] Wikipedia contributors, “Coronagraph,” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 16-May-2012. [3] “DLP System Optics” Application Report DLPA022, Texas Instruments, July 2010. [4] Wikipedia contributors, “Speckle imaging,” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 17-Mar-2012. [5] “Presentation of the DLP Technology: Presentation part-one.” [Online]. Available: review-42606-2.html [Accessed: 05-Jun-2012]. review-42606-2.html [6] “Mimir Photo Archives – 20021217.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 05-Jun-2012]. [1]“APOD: 2008 January 11 - Polaris Dust Nebula.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11-Jun-2012]. 13

14 14

15 Fourier Transforms 15

16 Fresnel Zone Plate 16

17 17 f f/3 f < f/3f/7

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