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Ireland – GMES forum GMES-Marine working group Ilaria Nardello (Marine Institute) Barry Fennel (Enterprise Ireland, FP7 NCP) Charlotte O’Kelly (Techworks.

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Presentation on theme: "Ireland – GMES forum GMES-Marine working group Ilaria Nardello (Marine Institute) Barry Fennel (Enterprise Ireland, FP7 NCP) Charlotte O’Kelly (Techworks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ireland – GMES forum GMES-Marine working group Ilaria Nardello (Marine Institute) Barry Fennel (Enterprise Ireland, FP7 NCP) Charlotte O’Kelly (Techworks Marine, GMES-Marine Chair) Brendan Kelly (EPA), Coordinator

2 GMES core messages  GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) is a European initiative for the implementation of information services dealing with environment and security.  GMES will be based on observation data received from Earth Observation satellites and ground based systems with the aim to provide autonomous and independent access to reliable information for policy-makers and other end-users. GMES Initiative

3  The progressive implementation of GMES is made possible by the activities and investments of EU and ESA Member States.  The EC manages the development of GMES services through FP7, and assures optimal integration of in-situ observation data.  ESA manages the development of space infrastructures identified for support under FP7, and defines the technical specifications of the GMES space component.  A part of the GMES space component related activities will be procured by ESA (ITTs) with FP7 budget in line with the EU procurement rules. GMES initiative Implementation of GMES initiative

4 Ireland is a member of the ESA EO Programme Board (PBEO) –Access to data –Assisted preparation in advance of the Earth Observation Envelope Programme 2008-2012 (EOPB) EOPB3 budget for Ireland 4.5M Eur/ total 1.24B Eur (<0.4%) PBEO3 Activity lines Budget EOPA€7M EWD€3M *IPD€11M *STSE€4M *DUE€5M *VAE€5M MMGS€14.5M Level 2€8M CM€70M Total€127.5M GMES Initiative

5 8 proposals submitted to ESA’s EO board under an "Announcement of Opportunity“ 2007 Opportunity to use NRT raw data from ENVISAT (ENVIronment SATellite) and ERS (European Remote Sensing Satellite) systems –monitoring of industrial emissions and air quality –examine land cover changes in Ireland (sub-surface analysis, land movement, inventory of farm forest resources) Results and outputs reported back to ESA via periodic progress reports, publications and presentation of results at a number of ESA organised conferences and symposia. Irish Reception of the EU GMES Initiative

6 Ireland ESA Data AO Proposal Details (2007) InstitutionTitle EPA Land Cover Change Detection in Ireland UCC Spatio-temporal variability of soil moisture under different land covers by means of synergetic use of ENVISAT ASAR and ALOS PALSAR data. NUIM Seasonal and geographical variations of OH rotational temperatures measured by the SCIAMACHY instrument on ENVISAT and statistical comparison with ground-based temperatures from the OH(3-1) Meinel band recorded at Maynooth (53.2N, 6.4W) Teagasc Creating an inventory of farm forest resources with ENVISAT ASAR and high resolution optical data. UCC A remote sensing and GIS approach to urban sprawl indication UCC Cloud cover and radiation balance changes over Ireland due to aircraft induced contrails MI Establishing long term climatologies for monitoring status baselines around Ireland from satellite imagery UCC Evaluation of the potential of SAR interferometry for the measurement of movement in bogland Irish Reception of the EU GMES Initiative

7 Activities under FP7 ServiceFP7 ProjectIrish Interest LandGeoland Emergency Response SAFER MarineMyOcean Marine Institute Techworks Marine AtmosphereMACCNUIG SecurityG-Mosaic Irish Reception of the EU GMES Initiative

8 Irish GMES forum Mission To optimize the participation of Ireland in GMES and put Irish service providers at the centre of the process within Europe, with maximisation of Irish participation in international collaborations and drawdown on R&D and industrial contracts. Background  A need was identified by the GMES forum to engage Irish intermediate- and end-users in the process.  Three thematic groups of interest emerged from general consulation: land, atmospheric, marine.  Decision to allow the thematic groups to spin up independently  Thematic groups regularly reconvene with the general GMES forum for exchange of information, updates.

9 Structure Tripartite chair (Government, Academy and SMEs) Rotation of meeting location (2 meetings to date, in Galway and Dublin. Next meeting: 3 rd Nov., in Cork) A roadmap in the pipeline Players Government Navy, Irish Lights, Coast Guard, Local Councils, OPW, MI, EPA, GSI, BIM … Met Éireann? Academy y UCG, UCC, DCU, NUIM …Others? SMEs TechWorks Marine Nowcasting OTT Hydrometry..Others? Irish GMES -Marine

10 Terms of reference –To identify strategic thematic areas & associated end users –Consultation on end users requirements for definition of sustainable downstream service, R&D, educational and commercial EO capacity in Ireland –Analysis of national/international capacity to leverage the proposed services. What capacity was lost through economic downturn? –Cooperative mechanism to identify areas where value could be added to existing EO initiatives  linkages with national/international stakeholders and opportunities –To provide feedback to the GMES Forum (or other national structure to be developed) on progress in Irish GMES/EO matters in the thematic areas within the scope of these TOR. –Engage closely with national contact points to influence relevant work programmes emerging under the GMES and GEO umbrella. Irish GMES -Marine

11 Preliminary impressions of the GMES-Marine forum  The marine community is responding actively  the general GMES forum is largely represented by the marine group. Connections among existing capacities are growing and successfully reaching for outside expertise (i.e. Coastcolour) SME participation must be increased The involvement of Met Éireann was expected but appears economically unfeasible. How to solve this? Most participants to date are intermediate users. Need to identify end users at the next meeting (in agenda). Irish GMES -Marine

12 Prospected Activities Coastcolour (ESA)  Bid submitted on September 15 th  Building capacity in EO around national expertise (I.Nardello, Techworks Marine, UCC_CMRC)  Budget: 1.5M total budget (6 international partners) 350m to Ireland (3 partners) Others.. Irish GMES -Marine


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