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91.460.201 & 91.530.202 Selected Topics: Digital Forensics Introduction Xinwen Fu.

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Presentation on theme: "91.460.201 & 91.530.202 Selected Topics: Digital Forensics Introduction Xinwen Fu."— Presentation transcript:

1 91.460.201 & 91.530.202 Selected Topics: Digital Forensics Introduction Xinwen Fu

2 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu2 2 About Instructor  Dr. Xinwen Fu, asscoiate professor of CS@UML Homepage: Email: Phone: (978) 934-3623 Office: 203 Olsen Hall Office hours:  Mon. Wed. 3:30PM ~ 5:00PM or by appointment

3 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu3 About TA  No TA

4 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu4 Textbook and Handouts  Textbooks (Required): Bill Nelson, Amelia Phillips, and Christopher Steuart, Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations, 4th Edition, 2010, ISBN- 10: 1435498836, Click here to the publisher. NOTE: Do NOT buy the kindle version that does not have the required CD. The paperback version has the required CD in it.  Supplementary Materials (Not Required): Orin S. Kerr, Computer Crime Law, 2d (American Casebook), West, October 23, 2009 Sara Baase, A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing Technology (4th Edition), Prentice Hall, August 5, 2012  Handouts will be released along the time

5 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu5 Course Objectives  Understand basic security concepts  Understand basic laws related forensics  Master computer forensics and network forensics techniques Identifying, preserving and extracting electronic evidence Learning how to examine and recover data from operating systems, core forensic procedures for any operating or file system Understanding technical issues in acquiring computer evidence and how to conduct forensically sound examinations to preserve evidence for admission and use in legal proceedings

6 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu6 Course Styles  Descriptive: what is out there  Critical: what is wrong with...  Both knowledge and skill oriented  Interactive: discussion and questions encouraged  Information sharing: home page and message board in Blackboard

7 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu7 Course Outline  Module 1 - Introduction to Security and Digital Forensics  Module 2 - Laws and Ethics  Module 3 - Computer Forensics  Module 4 - Network Forensics

8 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu8 Lab Exercises  Location TBD  Time TBD

9 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu9 Prerequisites  Linux (Fedora Core) and Windows - basic use and software installation  Knowledge of networks  Creative thoughts

10 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu10 Grading  I reserve the right to change this distribution during the course after notification  The final grades are computed according to the following rules Assignments (5~10)50 Midterm exam20 Final project30

11 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu11 Policies on incomplete grades and late assignments  Turn in assignments on or before the due date and time What if the campus network is down?  An assignment turned in up to 24-hours late will be reduced by 10% of the assignment’s worth, more than 24 hours late will be reduced 100%  The due date and time for each assignment will be specified on assignment postings  All assignments are to be turned in through Blackboard ( )

12 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu12 Policies on absences and scheduling makeup work  Make-up exams will only be given in case of serious need and only when the instructor is notified prior to the exam time. If this is not done, the grade is automatically zero for that exam  Written verification for the student’s inability to take an exam will be required  The make-up exams will be different from those given to the class

13 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu13By Dr. Xinwen Fu13 Academic Integrity  Finish assignments individually and independently except notified. Should two or more students turn in substantially the same solution or program, in the judgment of the instructor, the assignment will be given a grade of zero. A second such incident will result in an F grade for the course  All forms of academic dishonesty will result in an F for the course and notification of the Academic Dishonesty Committee dbook/ dbook/  Copy from the Internet is not allowed  Advice: put away the references and use your own language

14 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu14By Dr. Xinwen Fu14 Policy on working with students with disabilities  The University is committed to serving all students with disabilities as defined by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A qualified person with a disability means: an individual with a disability who, with or without reasonable modifications to rules, policies, or practices, the removal of architectural, communication or transportation barriers, or the provision of auxiliary aids and services, meets the essential eligibility requirements for the receipt of services or the participation in programs or activities provided by a public entity.  Questions concerning services for people with learning and physical disabilities should be directed to Jody Goldstein, MSSW Student Disability Services One University Avenue Cumnock Hall C6 Lowell, MA 01854 978-934-4574 E-mail: 

15 CS@UML Term Project  Team work At most three persons in one team  The instructor will assign projects or students propose one Once agreed, cannot change By Dr. Xinwen Fu15

16 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu16 Check Blackboard for details!

17 CS@UML By Dr. Xinwen Fu17 A Survey (No Credit)  What is the layers in the TCP/IP network model?  What are the values of a and b?  What does “CIA” stand for in terms of security concepts? 1.main() { a=0, b; 3.b=a++; 4.printf(“a=%d; b=%d”, a, b); 5.}

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