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DOCUMENDATION A Part of Management Cycle which Constitutes: 1. Situation analysis 2. Planning and design 3. Implementation and monitoring 4. Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "DOCUMENDATION A Part of Management Cycle which Constitutes: 1. Situation analysis 2. Planning and design 3. Implementation and monitoring 4. Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOCUMENDATION A Part of Management Cycle which Constitutes: 1. Situation analysis 2. Planning and design 3. Implementation and monitoring 4. Evaluation

2 Stage 1: Situation Analysis Involves Steps: 1. Collecting facts & figures 2. Stakeholder analysis 3. Problem analysis 4. Objectives analysis 5. Resource analysis

3 Stage 2: PLANNING & DESIGN  Plan together with key stakeholders  Set priorities  Prepare a programme plan  Determine the goal  Define outcomes  Determine activities  Set indicators  Determine sources of verification  Consider assumptions to be made  Decide what resources needed  Prepare a budget

4 Stage 3: Implementation & monitoring  Develop detailed workplans  Mobilize and manage resources  Carry out planned activities  Monitoring – steps involved Setting indicators Deciding how to collect information Collecting and recording information Analysing information Reporting and sharing information Managing information

5 Stage 4: Components Evaluation  Relevance: meeting needs of people  Efficiency: Use of resources  Effectiveness: achieving outcomes  Impact: Achieving wider goal; Changing lives of people: change in community attitudes and behaviour  Sustainability: Continuity of Programme when support withdrawn

6 COLLECTING INFORMATION  Who can provide the information  How information can be collected  When information to be collected  Data collection methods Questionnaires, Individual Assessment Surveys, Documentation review Record review, Interviews Observation, Focus Groups  Analyse information & conclusions  Share findings and take action

7 Reporting Formats 1.Door to door survey form 2.Initial assessment form 3.Daily diary of Field Worker 4.Case file for each individual 5. Weekly tour program 6.Log-book of Functionaries

8 Reporting Formats 7.Case completion report 8.Monthly financial performance report 9.Monthly physical performance report 10. Individual case files 11. Weekly review meetings

9 Weekly Review Meetings a. Need for such meetings b. Agenda for such meetings - Review of performance of last week - Discussion on every case - Planning for the next week - Finalization of weekly tour program - Finalization of any major activities - Discussion with Officials

10 Weekly Review Meetings c. Maintaining minutes of meetings d.Finalization of travel vouchers, e.Approving expenditure vouchers f.Reviewing monthly reports g.Payments of honorarium h.Discussion on Micro Credit i.Review of achievement of Targets j.Revision of Target k.Sharing successful case studies l.Experience Sharing

11 Weekly Review Meetings c. Maintaining minutes of meetings d.Finalization of travel vouchers, e.Approving expenditure vouchers f.Reviewing monthly reports g.Payments of honorarium h.Discussion on Micro Credit i.Review of achievement of Targets j.Revision of Target k.Sharing successful case studies l.Experience Sharing

12 Door-to-Door Survey S.N. Village Name & Address Sex Age Name of Head of Family Nature of problem: Visual Movement Hearing Mental or Psychiatric Learning or Other

13 Base-line Date S.N. No. on screening list Name Address Sex Age Age of onset of Disability Nature of Disability Extent of Disability Cause of Disability Treatment availed Present Status Nature of Referral


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