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4 Way Market Split in IEX for delivery dated 18 Aug’14 (Final) Source: IEX Average Price (Rs/kWh) : S1  5.35 S2  5.49 Punjab  3.04 Rest of India  3.02.

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Presentation on theme: "4 Way Market Split in IEX for delivery dated 18 Aug’14 (Final) Source: IEX Average Price (Rs/kWh) : S1  5.35 S2  5.49 Punjab  3.04 Rest of India  3.02."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 Way Market Split in IEX for delivery dated 18 Aug’14 (Final) Source: IEX Average Price (Rs/kWh) : S1  5.35 S2  5.49 Punjab  3.04 Rest of India  3.02 UMCP  3.72

2 Congestion faced in ER-SR Corridor for 18 Aug’14 (Final) Congestion hrs: 01-24 hrs

3 WR-SR Corridor For 0-73 Block,TTC  2100 MW; RM  750 MW; ATC  1350 MW For 74-96 Block, TTC  1700 MW; RM  750 MW; ATC  1000 MW Fully utilized by LTA and MTOA Congestion Hrs: RTC S2(Including TN, Kerala and Pudducherry ) Congestion faced in WR-SR Corridor for 18 Aug’14 (final) Congestion hrs: 12-22 hrs

4 Congestion faced in Punjab for 18 Aug’14 (Final) Congestion hrs: 05-06 hrs

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