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18 Musicians How instrumental is ReichHow instrumental is Reich  Steve was recently called “our greatest living composer” according to New York Times.

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2 18 Musicians

3 How instrumental is ReichHow instrumental is Reich  Steve was recently called “our greatest living composer” according to New York Times  The Village Voice says, the most original thinker of our time  Chris Morrison says, “A highly influential avant-garde composer” and that Reich is responsible as one of the key founders of the minimalist school of music

4 Bio  Born (1936-) birth place New York City  American Composer  Early pioneer in tape music and American minimalism  Reich received honorary doctorates and awards from Juilliard, Budapest's Franz Liszt Academy and other schools; Reich received honorary doctorates and awards from Juilliard, Budapest's Franz Liszt Academy and other schools;  2007 Polar Music Prize; the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Music (for Double Sextet); and, in 2012, an American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal for Music.


6 Early Signs of ExperienceEarly Signs of Experience  Reich’s major musical revelations came at 14, when he stumbled upon the music of Bach and Stravinsky Bach and Stravinsky  He had his first exposure to bebop, and immediately started learning drums and playing in a jazz band with friends.  played on weekends while studying at Cornell, which he entered at age 16 and where he received a DEGREE IN philosophy, specializing in the work of Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein.

7 Early signs of exposureEarly signs of exposure  In 1970, Reich studied for several weeks at the University of Ghana. His encounter with Ghanaian music and dance inspired his ambitious work Drumming (1970). Reich studied for several weeks at the University of Ghana. His encounter with Ghanaian music and dance inspired his ambitious work Drumming (1970).  etailpage&v=IrQCYW6fv60 etailpage&v=IrQCYW6fv60  He also studied traditional Jewish cantillation and incorporated it into his psalm settings, Tehillim (1981).

8 SOME GREAT PIECES:SOME GREAT PIECES:  Music for 18 Musicians.  Different Trains.  The Cave (an opera).opera).  Double Sextet.

9 SOME INTERESTING FACTS:SOME INTERESTING FACTS:  Many people say he is the greatest living American composer.  Many people also say he has changed the course of musical history.  He more or less invented ‘minimalist’ music. He is certainly the one of the main people to create the idea of minimalist music (as is Philip Glass).Philip Glass).  His music is influenced by jazz, as well as classical music.jazz, as well as classical music.

10 SOME INTERESTING FACTS:SOME INTERESTING FACTS: WWhen he first started composing many people thought his music was crazy. He had to work as a taxi DRIVER and a social worker to earn a living. HHe formed his own music group, Steve Reich and Musicians (also called the Steve Reich Ensemble), to play his music. HHe went to Ghana in 1971 to learn more about African drumming. When he came back he composed ‘Drumming’.

11  His music is now very popular. Many people who listen to his music wouldn’t normally listen to classical music.classical music.  His music has influenced many musicians, including rock bands.  He has also worked with all sorts of musicians, including rock bands.

12 Characterizing his musicCharacterizing his music  Strong steady pulse  Strictly diatonic and tonal harmonies  Grouped with 1 st generation minimalist composers such as Phillip Glass, La MonteYoung, John Adams  Deeply American in its roots

13 TYPE OF MUSIC:TYPE OF MUSIC:  Modern classical music. However his music is better described as minimalist. Minimalist music is made up of short bits of music (phrases) that repeat over and over again. (See also Philip Glass.) Modern classical music. However his music is better described as minimalist. Minimalist music is made up of short bits of music (phrases) that repeat over and over again. (See also Philip Glass.)

14 In some good companyIn some good company  In 1957, he entered Juilliard, studying with William Bergsma and Vincent Persichetti (and meeting fellow student Philip Glass).William Bergsma and Vincent Persichetti (and meeting fellow student Philip Glass).  At about that time Reich met Terry Riley, who was in the process of writing In C (1964). Reich played in its premiere, and In C's tonal approach and use of repeating patterns had a big influence on Reich's own music.Reich met Terry Riley, who was in the process of writing In C (1964). Reich played in its premiere, and In C's tonal approach and use of repeating patterns had a big influence on Reich's own music.

15 18 Musicians Chord structure cycle

16 18 Musicians


18 Building BlocksBuilding Blocks


20 Yes this piece is longYes this piece is long


22  Blackburn, John. Introduction to Music for 18 Musicians.  Steve Reich.  Morrison, (2014) Steve Reich. mn0000037658/biography mn0000037658/biography  (2014) Musicians/548 Musicians/548  (2014) Steve Reich.

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