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Impact Evaluation 4 Peace 24-27 March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal 1 Project for Personal Services: Employment of Maids in Togo Latin America and the Caribbean’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact Evaluation 4 Peace 24-27 March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal 1 Project for Personal Services: Employment of Maids in Togo Latin America and the Caribbean’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact Evaluation 4 Peace 24-27 March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal 1 Project for Personal Services: Employment of Maids in Togo Latin America and the Caribbean’s Citizen Security Team

2 2  55% of households in Lomé would like to have maid services (Survey ANPE 2013)  Improper treatment of domestic workers— verbal, physical or sexual aggression  Severely low wages of domestic workers  Inefficiency of maids in the services they provide  Problem of underage workers in the sector of domestic work

3 3  Sensitize households ◦ Salary of domestic workers ◦ Registration in the National Social Securty System ◦ Proper treatment of domestic workers  Vocational training of domestic workers

4 4  Did the training program improve the quality of the services that maids provide?  Did the sensitization of the households have an impact on the working conditions of the domestic workers or on their productivity?  Did the sensitization or the training have spillover effects?

5 5  Experimental method at the neighborhood level C1 T1T2 C1 T1T2 T1 C1 T1T2 C1 T2 T1=Sensitization of households T2=Sensitization of households + vocational training of domestic workers C=Control = Control group to measure spillover effects C2

6 6  Indicators of decent work ◦ Workers earn minimum wage ◦ Workers are registered to the social security system ◦ Number of contracts signed ◦ Existence of a clear job description ◦ Number of workers who quit their job ◦ Number of workers in a labor union  Indicators of worker performance ◦ Satisfaction of the employers ◦ Number of workers fired ◦ Number of complaints registered

7 7

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