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Verbs By: Becky Cunningham, Mike Morse, and Francie Kanis.

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Presentation on theme: "Verbs By: Becky Cunningham, Mike Morse, and Francie Kanis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verbs By: Becky Cunningham, Mike Morse, and Francie Kanis

2 Definitions  Action Verb- Describes a mental or physical action.  Auxiliary Verb- Helps the main verb express action.  Compound Verb- Consist of two or more verbs that are joined by a conjunction.  Intransitive Verb- Expresses action without action passing to a receiver or object.

3 More Definitions…  Irregular Verb- Forms its past in some other way than by adding –d or –ed.  Linking Verbs- connects the subject to a word group that identifies or describes the subject.  Precise Verbs- They tell what and how something was done.

4 More Definitions…  Precise verb- They tell what and how something is done.  Regular verb- Forms its past and past participle by adding –d or –ed.  Transitive verb- Verb that expresses an action toward a person, place, or thing.  Troublesome Verb- verb that is written in different forms.

5 Examples of Verbs AAAAction verb – Kicking AAAAuxiliary verb – Did CCCCompound verb – “Entered and won” IIIIntransitive verb – Stayed IIIIrregular verb – “I had to bend over” LLLLinking verb- “The dog smelled the bread”

6  Precise verb – Diligently  Regular verb – Yelled  Transitive verbs – Crying  Troublesome – Lie means “to recline” or “to remain in a lying position”. Lie does not take an object. Lay means “to put” or “to place”. Lay generally takes an object.

7 Find And Identify The Verb  The dog jumped over the bench so that he could get his dinner.  I stayed back while she won the contest for our team.  I yelled at him to stop throwing snow at everyone at lunch.

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