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SAFETY AND SECURITY PRESENTATION Armstrong Jim Quinn, Principal Andrea DePiro, Assistant Principal Ken Baine, Security Planning Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "SAFETY AND SECURITY PRESENTATION Armstrong Jim Quinn, Principal Andrea DePiro, Assistant Principal Ken Baine, Security Planning Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAFETY AND SECURITY PRESENTATION Armstrong Jim Quinn, Principal Andrea DePiro, Assistant Principal Ken Baine, Security Planning Officer

2 School Crisis Plan Specifically designed to meet the safety needs of our school Developed in conjunction with the FCPS security office and reviewed yearly FCPS protocols implemented and practiced Table top exercises to practice different scenarios with the school crisis team

3 Crisis Management Team The Crisis Management Team is an organized group of school based faculty and staff members created to assist the principal in planning for and responding to school emergencies. These staff members are all trained in the implementation of our school crisis plan.

4 Incident Command system Incident Command System is an on-scene, all hazards emergency management system designed to enable effective and efficient management of incidents by facilitating priority setting, interagency cooperation and the efficient flow of resources and information necessary during a crisis.


6 Natural Hazards There are six primary natural hazards which are identified as having the greatest impact on our school community Tornadoes(Practice drill once a year) Hurricanes and Tropical Storms Severe winter storms Floods Extreme Temperatures

7 Technological Hazards Technological Hazards are a direct result of the failure of a manmade system or the exposure of the population to a hazardous material. Fire/explosion Hazardous materials incident-gas leak, petroleum or chemical spills Critical Infrastructure Disruption/Failure-electric, natural gas, water, sewer, transportation, communications

8 Preparedness Schools are trained for the Preparedness phase which readies schools to respond in a rapid, coordinated and effective manner to an emergency Identified school personnel Staff training Clearly identified procedures

9 Communications School staff communicate through two-way radios FCPS message alert system(MAS)-school based staff FCPS Keep in Touch(KIT)and web pages Signs Backpack letters Phones

10 Five Responses to Emergencies Lockdown-used to describe enhanced security measures taken to protect against potentially violent intruders inside the building or on site Secure the Building-used to prevent unauthorized entry if the threat is outside-all outside activities cancelled –all can move around inside Shelter in Place-used to temporarily separate people from a hazardous outdoor atmosphere-follows secure the building protcols

11 Five Responses continued Stay Put, Stay Tuned-is implemented at the request of public safety officials to limit the impact on transportation infrastructure Evacuation-used when locations outside of the school building are safer than inside the school

12 Resource Link

13 Evacuation To other school sites if needed for situations as outlined in crisis plan

14 Severe Weather Schools monitor National Weather Service weather radios located in front office-follow procedures for the following: Watches Warnings Tornado Severe Thunderstorms High Winds Earthquakes

15 Fire Drills Practiced once a week during the first month of school Practiced once a month from October-June Primary and secondary evacuation routes are posted in each classroom Drills are unannounced

16 Additional Drills Earthquake Drills if participating once a year Lockdown drills twice a year Bus Evacuations twice a year

17 Exterior Doors/Controlled Access Points Two secured entrance access system at the front and rear of school All outside doors are locked throughout the school day All visitors are buzzed in by the access system and report to the front office

18 Questions Let us know what we can answer or clarify with you.

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