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Data Logger For Mechanical Systems Group 2: Abdulrahman Al-Malki Faisal Al-Mutawa Mohammed Alsooj Yasmin Hussein 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Logger For Mechanical Systems Group 2: Abdulrahman Al-Malki Faisal Al-Mutawa Mohammed Alsooj Yasmin Hussein 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Logger For Mechanical Systems Group 2: Abdulrahman Al-Malki Faisal Al-Mutawa Mohammed Alsooj Yasmin Hussein 1

2 Outline 1.Project overview: Abdulrahman 2.Programming: Faisal 3.Components: Yasmin 4.PCB Design and Progress: Yasmin/Mohammed 5.Progress and Conclusion: Mohammed 2

3 Project Overview Same objective… 3 Dumb toolSmart tool +our product Citations 1-2

4 Project Overview Different Execution 4 Citations 3-5

5 Market Analysis – Customer Needs Two personal interviews and one phone interview Focus on:  Vibration and rotation  Prioritize accuracy 5 Figure 1

6 Market Analysis - Benchmarking 6 MetricOur Design ProjectH.E.A.T Evaluation Module Power Source Lithium Battery3.3 V External Supply Dimensions (LxWxH) 5x1x1 inches15.6x1x0.93 inches Sensors Rotation and vibrationRotation, pressure, temperature Memory 64 KB32 MB Acquisition Frequency 20 HzUp to 128k Hz Connectivity USBCAN Table 1: Comparison between our project and an existing product Citations 6

7 Top-level Model Software: Abdulrahman and Faisal Hardware: Mohammed and Yasmin 7 Our Project Motion Figure 2

8 Programming – Flow Chart 8 Start Initialize Read ADC Data Perform Calculations Over threshold ? Yes No Figure 3 Store in Memory Time<x? Read ADC Data Perform Calculations True False

9 Programming – Call Graph 9 main() Initialize_ADC()Initialize_RTC() SendUAR T() Store() ReadADC() ReceiveU ART() LED() Buttons() Calculat eADC() Delay()Mode() Figure 4

10 Programming – Functions FunctionDescription Main(); Calls top-level functions Initialize_RTC(); Initialize_ADC(); Initialization for time & inputs ReadADC(); Read 3-analogue data inputs from sensor SendUART(); ReceiveUART(); Send data via RS-232 serial com. Mode(); Select mode or trigger of Data Acquisition CalculateADC(); Perform calculations of ADC Data Store(); Store calculated outputs in memory with a timestamp 10 Table 2: Details about the functions used in our project

11 Programming - Modes ModeDescription 00Continuous logging/stops when memory is full 01Starts logging after certain trigger for a certain period 1xContinuous low frequency logging with triggers increasing the sampling rate 11 Table 2: Brief overview of the different modes of our project

12 Main Components Terminal Blocks Crystal Oscillators Push button Switches LED Chip (MAX323CD) Connector Capacitors Resistors 12

13 Schematics – Progress Report Components SchematicStatus LED indicatorsCompleted ICD2 connectorCompleted Push Button SwitchesCompleted Power SupplyCompleted ProcessorCompleted OscillatorsCompleted AccelerometerPending… 13

14 Schematic 14

15 Schematics – Serial port 15

16 Schematics – Push Buttons 16

17 Schematics - Connector 17

18 Schematics – LED 18

19 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. rs232-9-pin-serial-cable-1-5m-chocobozz rs232-9-pin-serial-cable-1-5m-chocobozz 6. 7. 19

20 Thank you for listening! Any Questions? 20

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