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Circumference Review. Review What is the relationship between a radius and a diameter? What does a circumference measure? What formulas do we use to calculate.

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Presentation on theme: "Circumference Review. Review What is the relationship between a radius and a diameter? What does a circumference measure? What formulas do we use to calculate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circumference Review

2 Review What is the relationship between a radius and a diameter? What does a circumference measure? What formulas do we use to calculate circumference? What do we use to represent pi?

3 Pi Equals? π = circumference/diameter ≈ π ≈ 22/7 or 3 and 1/7 We will use 3.14 3.141592653 589793238462643383279502884 1971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986 2803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460 9550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521 1055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461 2847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034 8610454326648213393607260249141273………. (on and on and on)

4 Find the Circumference of the circle. BACK

5 Find the circumference using the diameter. BACK

6 Calculate the following Using 3.14 for pi. –r = 6 –r = 13 Using 22/7 for pi. –r = 8 –d = 24

7 Circumference 2 Assignment Use 3.14 for pi 1)r = 4 2)r = 7 3)r = 9 4)d = 15 5)d = 22 6)d = 30 Use 22/7 for pi 1)r = 4 2)r = 7 3)r = 9 4)d = 15 5)d = 22 6)d = 30

8 Area of a Circle

9 Area The number of square units the figure covers

10 Area of a Circle

11 Find the Area of the circle.


13 Practice Problems Using 3.14 for pi –r = 6 –d = 14 Using 22/7 for pi –r = 8 –d = 24

14 Area of a Circle1 Assignment Use 3.14 for pi 1)r = 4 2)r = 9 3)d = 16 4)d = 22 Use 22/7 for pi 1)r = 4 2)r = 9 3)d = 16 4)d = 22

15 Area of a Circle

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