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INDE 6332 ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT SCHEDULING LECTURE 1 University of Houston Dept. of Industrial Engineering Houston, TX 77204-4812 (713) 743-4195.

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Presentation on theme: "INDE 6332 ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT SCHEDULING LECTURE 1 University of Houston Dept. of Industrial Engineering Houston, TX 77204-4812 (713) 743-4195."— Presentation transcript:

1 INDE 6332 ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT SCHEDULING LECTURE 1 University of Houston Dept. of Industrial Engineering Houston, TX 77204-4812 (713) 743-4195

2 AGENDA l Scheduling l Solving Network

3 SCHEDULING l Background… l Network Techniques…

4 SCHEDULING BACKGROUND l Conversion of project plan into operating timetable l Used to monitor and control project activity l Based on WBS l Does not need to be developed for all work packages l Determines expected completion date l Illustrates critical activities that cannot be delayed l Illustrates slack activities that can be delayed

5 NETWORK TECHNIQUES l PERT… l CPM… l Terminology… l Network representation… l Constructing AON Networks…

6 PERT l Program Evaluation and Review Technique l US Navy, Booz-Allen Hamilton, Lockheed l Polaris Missile Program, 1958 l Research and Development oriented

7 CPM l Critical Path Method l DuPont, late 1950’s l Construction industry oriented

8 TERMINOLOGY l Activity… l Event… l Network… l Path… l Critical…

9 ACTIVITY l Specific task or set of tasks required by the project l Consume resources l Take time to complete l May have n Successors, but no predecessors n Predecessors, but no successors n Both predecessors and successors

10 EVENT l Result of completing one or more activities l End state at a particular time l Do not use resources

11 NETWORK l Arrangement of activities l Illustrate logical sequence l Represented by arcs and nodes l Flow represented by arrows generally left to right

12 PATH l Series of connected activities between 2 events

13 CRITICAL l Activities, events or paths if delayed, will delay the completion of the project l Critical Path n Sequence of critical activities and events from start to end which cannot be delayed without delaying the project

14 NETWORK REPRESENTATION l Activity on Node (AON) n Activities are represented by nodes n Does not require dummy nodes n Used by most software packages l Activity on Arc (AOA) n Activities are represented by arcs n May require dummy nodes


16 TABLE TaskPrecedenceTime in Days ANone5 B 4 CA6 DB2 EB5 FC,D8

17 NETWORK Start a b c d e fEnd

18 SOLVING A NETWORK l Small project l Ten activities l Optimistic estimates n Rarely less than l Most likely estimate l Pessimistic estimates n Rarely longer than l Predeccessors

19 TABLE 8-1 ActivityOptimisticLikelyPessim.Predecces. A1022 -- B20 -- C41016-- D21432A E8820B, C F81420B, C G444 H21216C I6 38G, H J2814D, E

20 NETWORK Start

21 NETWORK Start a

22 NETWORK Start a b

23 NETWORK Start a b c

24 NETWORK Start a b d c

25 NETWORK Start a b d c e

26 NETWORK Start a b d f c e

27 NETWORK Start a b d f g c e

28 NETWORK Start a b d f g c e h

29 NETWORK Start a b d f g c e h i

30 NETWORK Start a b d f g j c e h i

31 NETWORK Start a b d f g j End c e h i

32 CALCULATING ACTIVITY TIMES l 99 percent accurate estimates l a=optimistic estimate l b=pessimistic estimate l m=most likely estimate, the mode l Possible situations n a=m or n m=b or n If a and b are the same as m then TE=m l For some unknown reason project times follow beta dist. l One formula (assumes std is 1/6 th range for beta dist.) n TE=expected time=(a+4m+b)/6 n Variance=((b-a)/6)^2

33 MAKE CALCULATIONS l Assuming beta distribution with std equal to 1/6 range l Expected duration n E(A)=(10+4*22+22)/6 n E(A)=20 l Variance n Var (A)=((22-10)/6)^2 n Var (A)=4

34 TABLE 8-2 ActivityTEVAR A204 B 0 C104 D1525 E104 F144 G40 H115.4 I1828.4 J84

35 INSERTING TIME ON NETWORK l Label each node with n Expected duration n Variance

36 NETWORK Start a 20,4 b 20,0 d 15,25 f 14,4 g 4,0 j 8,4 End c 10,4 e 10,4 h 11,5.4 i 18,28.4

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