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School Discipline Communication Plan Kierstyn Johnson ADMS 626 Summer 2015.

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1 School Discipline Communication Plan Kierstyn Johnson ADMS 626 Summer 2015

2 Issue CCPS was given funds by the Department of Education to decrease suspension rates for students of color.

3 Suspension=School to Prison Pipeline Pushes students out of school and into the criminal justice system. Zero tolerance policies move youth directly into the juvenile and criminal justice systems Criminal charges are often brought against students for actions that would never be considered a criminal if committed by an adult.

4 Background 4.6% of White students are suspended, compared to 16.4% of Black students. Luzerne County “kids for cash” juvenile justice scandal. Disproportionately from communities that are already poorly served by the education system, principally Black students, Latino students, and students with disabilities. The presence of police in public schools has grown steadily as a part of the zero tolerance movement

5 Current Plan……… Invite High School Principals to a workshop pertaining to the disproportionate African American male students that are suspended yearly in CCPS Use funds for a guest speaker.

6 Revised Plan Objectives: Develop a plan to implement effective discipline strategies that decrease repeat offenses. Audiences: All school personnel (anyone with the ability to make an office referral). Goal: 1) Decrease the disproportionate suspension rates of African American children in Chesterfield County Public Schools by 30%. (3 years) 2) Analyze school suspension data four times per school year to ensure success. ( 3 years) 3) Develop school discipline leadership teams (district and school level) ( 1 year)

7 Plan for Evaluation


9 Solutions Diversity Training Plunge Activities Parent Trainings Schools/Community Collaboration Increase Parental Involvement Complete Audits Revise Suspension Policy

10 S.O.A.R S top and listen attentively O pen the door to making good choices A ct responsibly R espect

11 Teach Discipline  The misbehavior of one student will not be allowed to interfere with the learning opportunities of other students.  The misbehavior of a student will not excuse him/her from successfully completing learning objectives.  Every discipline is an opportunity to teach expected behavior.  Expected behavior must be communicated, taught and modeled throughout the school year.  Parents have a responsibility to ensure that their children’s behaviors do not take away from a safe, orderly and academically productive learning environment of others.

12  Be specific: tell the student exactly what they did  Be timely: don’t wait to praise or correct  Be sincere: insincere praise is usually worse than none at all  Be consistent: with everything, everywhere  Communicate: keep open lines of communication open between home and school

13 Minor behavioral issues will be handled by the teacher (classroom, art, music or phys ed). They will use their discretion when they believe the classroom behavior requires a referral. The following is a sampling of the consequences teachers may use: Redirection Removal to a “time out” area within the classroom Written referral Conference with student Note to parent Phone call to parent Teacher detention (morning or afternoon) Removal to another setting (no longer than 30 minutes)

14 Major offenses will be handled by an administrator. Each child is an individual whose needs will be considered when determining the consequence. The following is a sampling of the consequences administrators may use: Natural consequence (clean desk that student wrote on, letter of apology, etc.) Parent phone call Referral to Discipline Team to develop a behavior improvement plan Alternative recess (only used when issue takes place during recess) Detention (morning/afternoon) Referral to Mobile Crisis Unit Referral to Juvenile Court

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