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FYePortfolios John Jay FYE Peer Leader Training April 19, 2011 Jessica Wells Cantiello.

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1 FYePortfolios John Jay FYE Peer Leader Training April 19, 2011 Jessica Wells Cantiello

2 Why ePortfolios?

3 Portfolios Collection of “stuff” (documents, art, etc.) COLLECT Carefully selected and arranged SELECT Useful for thinking about one’s experiences REFLECT Demonstrates growth and development over time

4 Types of Portfolios Personal Academic Professional Content Showcase Structured Learning Organization/Selection Digital/electronic Physical/paper Platform

5 Benefits of Academic Portfolios Improve writing skills Track learning longitudinally and horizontally Prepare for professional opportunities Reflect on long-term goals and progress Extend learning beyond academic deadlines, end of course Make connections between different courses and course work and out of class activities Develop better modes of self-expression

6 Why electronic? Develop authentic, useful technological skills by using popular, open source platform ( Digital archive is accessible anywhere, anytime, to anyone the author wants Wider, more diverse audience (professors, other students, peer leaders, family and friends) Accessible to prospective employers Easily revisable Found to increase student engagement

7 FYePortfolios @ John Jay

8 The model FYS students will be provided with prompts and some required pieces to place in their portfolios Certain professors might add to these required components Students may decide to use their ePortfolios for other, non-required selection and reflection Students will hopefully continue to add to and use these ePortfolios after their first semester

9 Peer Mentor ePortfolios Models for FYS students Your ePortfolio should be a model of what an ePortfolio can evolve into after the first semester. You should update regularly, use standard English and consider your audience. Each document you upload should be accompanied by a reflection. Utilize and experiment with wordpress features to encourage students to do the same. Good for you, too

10 Peer Mentor Responsibilities Serve as peer audience for FYS students Connect students with other students or appropriate support services Craft posts/correspondence to address major needs Support FYS Faculty Direct professors to exemplary or problematic posts Alert professors to student confusion Support faculty with technical questions Create, upkeep your own ePortfolio, which will include: Information about you Key documents from your college experience with reflection Blog posts about your previous and current experiences, directed at audience of first year students Provide technological support Monitor the ePortfolios and address common problems/concerns Train students on how to use wordpress as an ePortfolio

11 ePorfolio examples

12 John Jay Balancing Act Guest Speaker: MaryBeth Apriceno

13 Professional ePortfolios from NYCCT Aurea Suarez, Law and Paralegal Studies Elliot Reed, Advertising Design and Graphic Arts

14 Campus Leader at Clemson University Jonathan Beeco, Orientation Ambassador

15 ePortfolios from LaGuardia CC Raymond Martinez, currently at John Jay Tatjana Sevilla

16 Targeted ePortfolio

17 Setting Up Your ePortfolio

18 ePortfolio components Visual/Aesthetic Choosing the right theme Customizable Header Image Widgets Posts Blog component of the ePortfolio Dated, most recent first Interactive Pages Static Welcome (home page), About Me, Campus Involvement Informative Widgets Links Subscription Tags/Categories

19 Next Steps: Possible Pages and Posts Collaborative brainstorming session

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