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Open Pit Mining. Explanation: Open-pit mining, also known as open-cut mining, and strip mining, refers to a method of extracting rock or minerals.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Pit Mining. Explanation: Open-pit mining, also known as open-cut mining, and strip mining, refers to a method of extracting rock or minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Pit Mining




5 Explanation: Open-pit mining, also known as open-cut mining, and strip mining, refers to a method of extracting rock or minerals from the earth by their removal from an open pit.



8 Most of the time, when the mining company is done with it, the pit is used as a landfill. A landfill is used as a dump to get rid of our garbage. When it is filled with garbage, it is covered over with layers of dirt. After the garbage rots a long time, the land can be used again. Some times the crater is filled with water – a lake is born.

9 Environmental Impacts Impacts include: - aesthetics - air quality (dust and pollutants) - water discharge and runoff - subsidence - tailings (acidic, heavy metals) Minimizing the impact: - If mining will cause quality deterioration of either surface water or groundwater, remedial and treatment measures must be developed to meet discharge standards. - The mine plan must include all the technical measures necessary to handle all the environmental problems from initial data gathering to the mine closure and reclamation of the disturbed surface area.

10 Social / Economic Implications - Minerals are non-renewable resources - Boom / Bust of the mining process (i.e. Barkerville) - Loss of tourism - Depending on location companies could bypass reclamation requirements (cleaning soils of acids, heavy metals and sulfurs).



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