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The States Of Matter All matter is made of something, even if it looks like nothing. We make classifications according to its properties, both chemical.

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Presentation on theme: "The States Of Matter All matter is made of something, even if it looks like nothing. We make classifications according to its properties, both chemical."— Presentation transcript:

1 The States Of Matter All matter is made of something, even if it looks like nothing. We make classifications according to its properties, both chemical and physical

2 Three States of Matter Solid: strong interactions  Fixed shape  Not compressible  Rigid  Dense

3 Liquid: medium interactions  Liquid  Not rigid  Assumes shape of container  Not compressible  Dense

4 Gas: no interactions  Not rigid  Completely fills container  Compressible  Low density

5 Plasma: the fourth state  At very high energies (temperatures) all the electrons are removed from the atoms  Not an important state for chemistry

6 Atom motion and temperature  Atoms in molecules have three types of motion  Rotation – moving about the centre of mass  Vibration – vibrating about the centre of mass  Translation – movement of the centre of mass  As temperature increases, the energies of all types of motion increase

7 Solids  Atoms in solids rotate and vibrate but do not translate  Melting occurs when the translational energy of the atoms is sufficient to break free of the lattice  Usually this is a very well defined point  With amorphous solids it can be smeared out – softening of fats

8 Vapour pressure and boiling  Molecules do not all have the same energy  High energy molecules escape the liquid – vapour pressure  When vapour pressure = atmospheric pressure boiling occurs  Sublimation is direct transition of solid to gas (dry ice)

9 Kinetic molecular theory and pressure – a case for atoms  Pumping up a tire increases the number of molecules  Pressure is caused by the energetic molecules striking the tire wall  More molecules – higher pressure  Higher temperature – higher pressure

10 Under pressure  Gases exert pressure by virtue of motion  Gravity makes the air density higher near the earth’s surface  Pressure decreases with elevation

11 Atmospheric pressure  The weight of the air supports a column of mercury 760 mm high  Barometer is used for measuring atmospheric pressure  Atmospheric pressure changes with the weather

12 The atmosphere is layered  Troposphere  Where the weather happens  Stratosphere  Where the ozone is  Mesosphere  Ionosphere  The brutal strength of solar radiation ionizes all the components – permits transmission of radio signals around the earth without need of mirrors

13 Units of pressure  mm (or cm) of mercury  Atmospheric pressure = 760 mm Hg  Pascal is SI unit for pressure  Atmospheric pressure = 101 000 kPa  Pounds/square inch  Atmospheric pressure = 14.7 lb/in 2

14 Standard temperature and pressure (STP)  Standard conditions allow direct comparison of properties of different substances  Standard temperature is 273 K (0ºC)  Standard pressure is 760 mm Hg  At STP, 1 mole of any ideal gas occupies 22.414 L

15 Gas laws: experience in math form  The properties of gases can be described by a number of simple laws  The laws establish quantitative relationships between different variables  They are largely intuitively obvious and familiar

16 The four variables  Pressure (P)  Volume (V)  Temperature (T in Kelvin)  Number of molecules (n in moles)

17 Variables and constants  In the elementary gas laws two of the four variables are kept constant  Each law describes how one variable reacts to changes in another variable  All the simple laws can be integrated into one combined gas law

18 Boyle’s law  The first experimental gas law  Pressure increases, volume decreases (T, n constant)

19 Charles’ Law  As temperature increases, volume increases (P, n constant)  Temperature must be measured in Kelvin

20 Absolute zero  Gay-Lussac observed V changed by 1/273 of value at 0ºC  Plotted as V = kT (T = ºC + 273), V = 0 at T = 0  Does the gas actually occupy zero volume?  No, at lower T the law is not followed

21 Combined gas law  Fold together Boyle and Charles:  P 1 V 1 /T 1 = P 2 V 2 /T 2  Given five of the variables, find the sixth  Units must be consistent  Temperature in Kelvin

22 Gay-Lussac and law of combining volumes  When gases react at constant temperature and pressure, they combine in volumes that are related to each other as ratios of small whole numbers  His experiments with hydrogen and oxygen had implications for the understanding of the atom and the structures of simple molecules

23 Avogadro’s Law  As the number of moles of gas increases, so does the volume (P, T constant)

24 Dalton’s law of partial pressures  A mixture of gases exerts a pressure as if all the gases were independent of one another  Total pressure is the sum of the pressures exerted by each one  P = p 1 + p 2 + p 3 + …

25 Real world applications 1: Henry’s Law and sodie pop  The quantity of gas dissolved in a liquid depend directly on the pressure of that gas above the liquid  Under pressure the CO 2 in the liquid is kept in solution  Open the cap and the CO 2 rapidly escapes

26 Real world applications 2: The science of breathing  The gas laws explain the mechanics of breathing: the transport of oxygen from the lungs and exchange with carbon dioxide produced in the body.

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