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American History 1492 – 2008. Discovery Columbus sails from Spain in 1492 1507 Ponce de Leon discovers Florida Columbus 1607 First permanent English settlement,

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Presentation on theme: "American History 1492 – 2008. Discovery Columbus sails from Spain in 1492 1507 Ponce de Leon discovers Florida Columbus 1607 First permanent English settlement,"— Presentation transcript:

1 American History 1492 – 2008

2 Discovery Columbus sails from Spain in 1492 1507 Ponce de Leon discovers Florida Columbus 1607 First permanent English settlement, Jamestown, Virginia 1620 Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts

3 Early American Exploration

4 New Country French-Indian War 1750s American Revolution 1776 – 1783 – Lexington and Concord – Yorktown George Washington

5 Continental Congress Ben Franklin

6 Constitution Approved in 1791 James Madison Great Compromise Senate House Checks and Balances Supreme Court

7 Bill of Rights

8 American West 13 Colonies began to look West Agreed new states would have equal rights Early explorers: mountain men Daniel Boone

9 Indians

10 Settlement of the West By 1890, all open land was gone. Train Telegraph Ranchers and Farmers

11 Civil War 1861-1865 Union vs. Confederacy

12 Growth World Power Spanish-American War 1898 Cuba Philippines

13 Immigration 1830s Irish 1850s Italians 1860s Asians 1880s Eastern Europeans – Russians – Jews First Immigration Law 1920s

14 World War I 1914-1919 U.S. enters in 1917 German Bunker Air war

15 Depression 1929 – 1941 NRA CCC WPA

16 World War II 1939 – 1945 U.S. enters in 1941 Franklin Roosevelt Flag raising at Iwo Jima Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin at Yalta

17 Map of Europe

18 Korean War 1951-1954 United Nations vs. Russia and China Chinese troops

19 Changes in the Country Civil Rights Women’s Rights Baby Boom generation Space Age

20 Vietnam War Started with French U.S. joined in 1958 SDS Ended in 1975

21 Political Changes Resignation of the President and Vice President 1974 Richard Nixon (far right) And Spiro Agnew

22 Conservative Surge Ronald Reagan 1980 -1988 George H. W. Bush 1988 -1992 Reagan Bush

23 Today Positive Lone superpower Media domination Technological leadership Negative Declining world status Political turmoil Economic decline Pittsburgh

24 Future Population: 300 million Abundant natural resources Unlimited military power Pollution Gap between rich and poor Growing minority populations Educational decline

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