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Safe to the Last Instruction: Automated Verification of a Type-Safe Operating System Jean Yang MIT CSAIL Chris Hawblitzel Microsoft Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Safe to the Last Instruction: Automated Verification of a Type-Safe Operating System Jean Yang MIT CSAIL Chris Hawblitzel Microsoft Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safe to the Last Instruction: Automated Verification of a Type-Safe Operating System Jean Yang MIT CSAIL Chris Hawblitzel Microsoft Research

2 Safe to the Last Instruction: Automated Verification of a Type-Safe Operating System Jean Yang MIT CSAIL Chris Hawblitzel Microsoft Research

3 3Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang

4 4

5 Memory Safety 5

6 Type Safety 6Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang

7 Untyped Unsafe code (GC, stacks, drivers, …) Type-checked OS File System Drivers Applications Microkernel Hardware Previously: “Safe” Systems 7 What currently exists

8 Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang Untyped Unsafe code (GC, stacks, drivers, …) Type-checked OS File System Drivers Applications Microkernel Hardware End-to-End Safe Systems 8 Verified code (GC, stacks, drivers, …) What we want

9 Verified Type-checked Verve, a Type-Safe OS Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang Verify partial correctness of low- level Nucleus using Hoare logic based on a hardware spec. Verify an interface to typed assembly for end-to-end safety. Nucleus File System Drivers Applications Microkernel Hardware specification Interface specification 9

10 The Verve Nucleus Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang10 Verified Type-checked Nucleus File System Drivers Applications Microkernel Hardware specification Interface specification Verified Interface specification x86 instructions Memory bounds Devices GC Heap Allocator and GC [POPL 2009] Stacks Interrupt table Interrupt/error handling Interface specification

11 Thread Context Invariant function StateInv (s:StackID, state:StackState, …) returns(bool) { (!IsEmpty(state)  … && (IsInterrupted(state)  … && (IsYielded(state)  … && state == StackYielded( StackEbp(s, tMems), StackEsp(s, tMems) + 4, StackRA(s, tMems, fMems)) && … } Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang11

12 “Load” Specification procedure Load(ptr:int) returns (val:int); requires memAddr(ptr); requires Aligned(ptr); modifies Eip; ensures word(val); ensures val == Mem[ptr]; Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang12

13 Assembling Verve Verified Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang Boogie/Z3 Translator/ Assembler Source file Compilation tool Verification tool Nucleus.bpl (x86) 13

14 Boogie to x86 implementation ReadKeyboard(){ call KeyboardStatusIn8(); call eax := And(eax, 1); if (eax != 0) { goto proc; } call eax := mov(256); return; proc: call KeyboardDataIn8(); call eax := And(eax, 255); return; } Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang ReadKeyboard proc in al, 064h and eax, 1 cmp eax, 0 jne ReadKeyboard$proc mov eax, 256 ret ReadKeyboard$skip: in al, 060h and eax, 255 ret 14

15 Building Verve Verified Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang C# compiler Kernel.cs Boogie/Z3 Translator/ Assembler TAL checker Linker/ISO generator Verve.iso Source file Compilation tool Verification tool Nucleus.bpl (x86)Kernel.obj (x86) 15

16 Verve Performance Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang Verve functionality Cycles Round-trip yield 98 Round-trip wait + signal 216 16 ComparisonsCycles L4 (IPC)224 SeL4 (IPC)448 Singularity (yield)2156 Linux (yield)2390 Windows (yield)3554

17 Low Annotation Burden CopyingMark-sweep Specification Boogie lines1185 Verified Boogie lines43094854 Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang x86 instructions13771489 17 9 person-months 3x code

18 Verve vs. SeL4? Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang SeL4 Verified microkernel 8,700 lines of C File System Drivers Applications 200,000 lines of Isabelle ~600 lines ARM assembly 120-240 person-months 18 20x code Verve Verified Nucleus ~1500 lines of x86 C# kernel

19 Contributions Safe to the Last Instruction / Jean Yang First automatically, mechanically verified OS for type safety. Real system running on x86 with efficient code. Approach for using automated techniques to verify safety. Verified Type-checked Verified nucleus File System Drivers Applications Microkernel Hardware specification Interface specification 19

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