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Romeo and Juliet ACT III. Quote Give me a torch. I am not for this ambling. Feeling so heavy, I will bear the light. Romeo to ? I will hold the torch.

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Presentation on theme: "Romeo and Juliet ACT III. Quote Give me a torch. I am not for this ambling. Feeling so heavy, I will bear the light. Romeo to ? I will hold the torch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romeo and Juliet ACT III

2 Quote Give me a torch. I am not for this ambling. Feeling so heavy, I will bear the light. Romeo to ? I will hold the torch. I am so full of sorrow and am not in the mood to dance.

3 Quote I fear too early – for my mind forsees some consequences, yet hanging in the starts Romeo to ? I am having a premonition that something bad is about to happen. Romeo questions whether or not they should attend the party.

4 Quote He acts like a perfect gentleman. I would not for the wealth of all this town. Here in my house to him discourtesy. Capulet to ? When Tybalt is agitated that Romeo has arrived at the Capulet party he wants to start something. Capulet will not allow this saying that Romeo has been nothing but a perfect gentleman and Tybalt is to treat him with courtesy.

5 Quote My only love, sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Juliet to ? When Juliet realizes that Romeo is a Montague she is very upset as the only man that she has loved is an enemy to her family. She loves him now though and that cannot change.

6 Questions 1.What is Romeo’s mood at the beginning of this act? What line proves this? 2.How do Romeo and his friends manage to enter a party thrown by their enemy? 3.Romeo’s mood quickly changes once he enters the party. Why is this? 4.How does Tybalt react to Romeo’s presence? How does he know it is indeed Romeo? 5.Capulet intervenes at the end of this act in support of Romeo. In your own words explain what Capulet says to Tybalt. 6.How does Romeo learn of Juliet’s family ties and how does she react to the news that he is a Montague?

7 Extension Write a diary entry from Romeo or Juliet’s perspective that reveals how they felt from the beginning of the act. Ensure to include some of the events from this act. You can also predict in your response how they will deal with their feelings.

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