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"Find the joy in life. Life moves pretty fast; if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!'"

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Presentation on theme: ""Find the joy in life. Life moves pretty fast; if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!'""— Presentation transcript:

1 "Find the joy in life. Life moves pretty fast; if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!'"

2 * Written and Directed: John Hughes (Legend!) * Year: 1986 * Running time: 103 minutes



5 * Ferris Bueller:Matthew Broderick

6 * Cameron Frye – Alan Ruck

7 * Sloane Peterson – Mia Sara

8 * Edward Rooney – Jeff Jones

9 * Jeanie Bueller – Jennifer Grey

10 * Boy on couch – Charlie Sheen


12 Ferris Bueller is a clever and tricky fast talker, a legend in his own time. He decides to have a day off school, pretending to be sick, so he can go on a wild adventure involving his girlfriend, Sloane Peterson, his best friend Cameron Frye, and a Ferrari. From a famous baseball stadium called Wrigley Field to the Art Institute of Chicago to a parade for proud Polish Americans, Bueller and friends intend on making the most of their day off. However, Ferris' sister and the school dean, Ed Rooney, suspect that Ferris is simply pretending to be ill. Both Rooney and Ferris' sister Jeanie are hot on Ferris' trail and are determined to catch him and his friends in the act of class- cutting.


14 * Ferris’ house



17 * School

18 * Cameron’s House

19 * Art Gallery

20 - Stock Exchange - Parade (Von Steuben Day) - Posh Restaurant (Chez Quis) - Sears Tower - Police station - Base ball field



23 * Generation gap – resisting authority * Parental problems * Growing up and maturing * Young love * Standing up for yourself * ENJOY LIFE – ‘life’s too short…’ – don’t be stressed like Cameron or cranky like Jeanie * Freedom – teen high jinx – harmless fun


25 Who is the hero? * Goes through a transformation * Is honest, caring and helpful

26 * Who is the anti-hero? - Lies - Steals - Coerces his friend - Skips school

27 * Who are the villains? - the OLDER characters

28 * Boring teachers – ‘Anyone. Anyone. Anyone…’ * Dumb secretary – sniffing liquid paper * Hateful older sister


30 * Talking directly to the camera adds realism * Extreme close-up shots of the little girl’s mouth in Georges Seurat's painting to show how Cameron was feeling * Camera is sped up when Jeannie kicks her ‘intruder’ * Soundtrack – variety of music from different eras to reflect mood

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