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Midwest Community Foundations’ Ventures The Magic of Match Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Midwest Community Foundations’ Ventures The Magic of Match Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midwest Community Foundations’ Ventures The Magic of Match Day

2 22 IT’S ALL ABOUT Importance of an immediate need Incentive of giving more for less Urgency of a time limit Resources of a whole community

3 CONTRIBUTORS The Columbus Foundation, Ohio Community Foundation for Muskegon County, Michigan Community Foundation of St. Clair County, Michigan Fremont Area Community Foundation, Michigan Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation, Ohio Hillsdale County Community Foundation, Michigan Kalamazoo Community Foundation, Michigan 3

4 NEW REALITY… AS OF AUGUST 2010: The national unemployment rate was 9.5% Michigan’s unemployment rate was 13.1% One in every 40 homes in Michigan is in foreclosure Foundation grantmaking was down nearly 9% compared to 2008 4

5 5 NEW OPPORTUNITY. Draw on local expertise Lead community effort Convene and engage nonprofit partners Meet immediate needs with immediate response 5

6 66 THE BENEFITS OF Donors find an exciting incentive for giving. Nonprofits gain new resources, donors, visibility and interest in their work. Community foundation lives its role as convener, catalyst and leader, responding to the community’s most pressing needs. Community reaps the final outcomes of the gifts.

7 77 DESIGN YOUR OWN Know Your Reasons Why Plan the Big Day Prepare Your Partners Give it Proper Promotion Seize the Day Manage the After-Match

8 Pre-meeting handout Sample documents Tracking spreadsheet Statement of agreement Planning briefConcepting tool 8 TOOLKIT

9 Understand why a Match Day will help address urgent needs in your community—and how to structure it for effectiveness. 9 KNOW YOUR REASONS WHY The Magic of Match Day Planning brief

10 10 Engage broad group in Match Day planning. Draw on the thinking of internal and external partners to define parameters for the experience. 10 PLAN THE BIG DAY The Magic of Match Day Concepting tool

11 Sample participant guidelines 11 Communicate completely and regularly with internal and external partners to create clarity around Match Day objectives, process and expectations. 11 PREPARE YOUR PARTNERS The Magic of Match Day Pre-meeting handout Statement of agreement

12 Promotional samples 12 Use personal connections, media vehicles and technology to consistently communicate the compelling messages of Match Day. 12 GIVE IT PROPER PROMOTION The Magic of Match Day

13 Tracking spreadsheet 13 Have preparations in place to ensure a rewarding experience for donors, nonprofit partners, the community foundation—and community. 13 SEIZE THE DAY The Magic of Match Day

14 14 Match Day doesn’t end when gifts stop coming in. Keep celebrating the stories of impact, collaboration and generosity. 14 MANAGE THE AFTER-MATCH The Magic of Match Day

15 15 QUESTIONS? The Magic of Match Day

16 16 The community response to Match Day was incredible. By mid-morning, it was clear what a powerful and uplifting day of giving we were in the midst of. It was exactly what our community needed. HILLSDALE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION

17 DOWNLOAD TODAY MCFV.ORG The Magic of Match Day

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