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Marius Mindaugas Danys. He was born in 21 st of June in 1961 in Vilnius. In 1986 he graduated the academy of arts. He took part in more than 50 exhibitions.

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Presentation on theme: "Marius Mindaugas Danys. He was born in 21 st of June in 1961 in Vilnius. In 1986 he graduated the academy of arts. He took part in more than 50 exhibitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marius Mindaugas Danys


3 He was born in 21 st of June in 1961 in Vilnius. In 1986 he graduated the academy of arts. He took part in more than 50 exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad. People from Belgium, Spain, Poland, the USA, Germany could see his paintings. He often organizes art exhibitions.

4 When he was 7 years old he understood that the only thing he wants to do is drawing. And now he keeps sketchbook next to his bed.

5 Our first meeting with this artist was in exhibition he had organized. There we met more famous Lithuanian artists.

6 A month later M.M. Danys brought an exhibition of his colleague Lena Chvicija to our town. We had a great chance to have a nice talk with the painter He told us a lot of interesting things about the world of art.

7 The third meeting with M.M Danys was in Sirvintos Culture hall. This time it was one-man exhibition. Some pictures were made with modern technologies and printed on silk.

8 Presented by Sirvintos Art School, Lithuania

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