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By: Brandon Lopes and Josh Mishou

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1 By: Brandon Lopes and Josh Mishou http://www.heritage-

2 ☺Charles V was born on Febuary 24 th, 1500 ☺Charles died on September 21, 1558 ☺Ruled Holy Roman Empire from 1519-1556 THE LIFE OF CHARLES

3 ☺Controlled both Spain and Germany ☺Conquered Milan and Rome ☺Long rivals with Francis I and began lifelong wars with them ☺Did not like Martin Luther and him trying to make lutherism EMPIRE 60&bih=564&tbm=isch&tbnid=sJvqFl77U4xW- M:&imgrefurl= _Florence&docid=B_kllUs2uAHQWM&imgurl=http://

4 ☺Was next in line for power after dad died in 1506 ☺Became ruler of family’s Burgundian territories ☺When his grandfather, Ferdinand II, died Charles became first ruler of a united Spain ☺When Maximillion I died he controlled the habsurg islands. ☺Was elected the Holy roman emperor in June 1519 RISE TO POWER

5 ☺Conquest of Mexico by Cortez ☺Conquest of Peru by pizzaro ☺defeated the Ottoman Turks during the siege of Vienna ☺He attacked Rome and captured the pope ☺Granted Martin Luther safe passage to the Diet of Worms ACCOMPLISHMENTS

6 ☺Sent voyages to help with the exploration of world ☺Was first ruler of a united Spain ☺Captured Italy from France ☺Gave his territory to his son who was Philip II HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE h=564&tbm=isch&tbnid=- 69I8EGYKunZLM:&imgrefurl= es5/&docid=M6DaYMwpGkM- qM&imgurl= =452&h=600&ei=W4O5T5yeKvODsALDhZWLDA&zoom=1&iact =hc&vpx=491&vpy=108&dur=886&hovh=259&hovw=195&tx=10 7&ty=139&sig=100405403242881865857&page=1&tbnh=117&tbnw =86&start=0&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0,i:83

7 ☺Charles V Funded many voyages to whats known now as South America, For example Hernando Cortez, Francisco Pizzaro ☺Had many religious based wars among other disagreements with Francis I ☺Faced the Turkish and Ottoman Empire in many wars also ☺Was a fair but averagely corrupt but not sneaky, also religious leader HISTORIAN’S VIEW

8 ☺Religously biased like most leaders at that time ☺ Decreasing anti-Semitism ☺Italian Wars Based in spite ☺Increasing wars isn’t smart for a successful empire OUR OPINION

9 ☺Spahn, Martin. "Emperor Charles V." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1908. 20 May 2012. ☺Heritage-Histiory©. "Historical Character Directory." History Curriculum Homeschool. Heritage-History©. Web. 18 May 2012.. ☺ "Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (1500-1558) — GAMEO." Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (1500-1558) — GAMEO. The Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia, 1996. Web. 20 May 2012.. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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