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We have set a high ambition for Sheffield to become the fairest city in Britain and we need your help. We want to give the people of Sheffield a voice.

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Presentation on theme: "We have set a high ambition for Sheffield to become the fairest city in Britain and we need your help. We want to give the people of Sheffield a voice."— Presentation transcript:


2 We have set a high ambition for Sheffield to become the fairest city in Britain and we need your help. We want to give the people of Sheffield a voice by creating a community where people can come together, be empowered and create change. By working together and taking collective action, we can make our city a fairer place for everyone. Be part of the change. Fairness matters.

3  Fairness Commission set by Sheffield City Council.  Report published January 2013.  Presented to SEB.  SEB agreed to act as a city leadership group to support the implementation of the Fairness Commission’s Recommendations.  We set up a working group to develop the Sheffield Campaign for Fairness.  DIVA appointed.  Progress reports 2014 and 2015  Measuring Fairness was a feature of the State of Sheffield Report 2014 and 2015.

4  Health and Well Being for All  Fair Access to High Quality Jobs and Pay  Aspiration and Opportunities for All  Housing and a Better Environment  A Safe City  Transport for All  What Citizens and Communities Can Do

5  Fair Employer Code  Living Wage  Domestic Violence  Food Poverty  Childcare.

6 Initial research out of which came the initial recommendations for what the campaign needed to demonstrate:  That fairness is a high Priority for the city and those who hold power.  Where progress is being made and what is being prioritised  That fairness matters to everyone in the city, wherever they live or work.  Everyone can do something to help make Sheffield fairer. Outcomes:  Theme : Challenge, Champion, Change.  Ambassadors.  Champions.  Launch Reviewed the effectiveness of the Working group earlier this year and re- launched as the Fairness Advisory Group, clearer membership. At last count – 74 champions.

7  Mazher Iqbal ( Chair)  Alan Walker  Peter Bradley  Andy Buck  Matthew Borland  James Henderson  Gordon Dabinett  Mark Gamsu  Ted Turner  Sharon Squires  Dan Spicer

8 Focus on first six months of the Sheffield Our Fair City Campaign. 4 key Objectives: 1. Raising visibility 2. Building involvement 3. Gaining credibility and influence 4. Achieving change. Action Plan  Establish and increase recruitment of the Community of Champions  Pledges/ themes and potential champions to support.  Launch Sheffield Money with clear links to campaign.  Develop and pilot community conversations / events.  Conferences ; student, national, VCF.  National article  Launch of Fair Employer Pledge.

9  How do we capture change effectively and efficiently?  74 champions – I’m one - Are you a Champion?  Rolling out the Campaign : we need the leaders to lead – by example, by promoting it to your staff, spheres of influence.

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