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LBTI Program Management Review Phil Hinz S.H. (Hop) Bailey 9 July 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "LBTI Program Management Review Phil Hinz S.H. (Hop) Bailey 9 July 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 LBTI Program Management Review Phil Hinz S.H. (Hop) Bailey 9 July 2015 1

2 Agenda 2

3 LBTI Summary (4/28/15 – 7/9/15) TechnicalScheduleProgrammatic Overall On plan, adequate margin Problems, working to resolve within planned margin Problems, not enough margin to recover Resources 3 GYR Technical Conducted successful ORR 28 April 2015 Current performance using bootstrap demonstrated to be ~12 zodi Science Validation Plan including specific mitigation strategies to reach baseline performance Observation plan to take maximum advantage of observing nights during SVP LBT secondaries SX refurbished prior to LBTI June run; normal performance DX functioning normally; will be inspected during shutdown Spare shell activity on hold while resources (Guido Brusso) is out of the country Detector noise determined to be inherent in the detector; effort to provide a lower noise spare not likely to be timely or financially feasible Schedule HOSTS science starts during Fall 2015 semester SVP mitigation planned to expend two nights aggregate prior to the SOR target date in late April 2016 Resources Funding is adequate to support planned activities in the period of performance; augmentation may be required to support detector procurement. RFQ was initiated to RVS after ORR; have not received a response Human resources are adequate Programmatic LBTI is preparing for Export Restricted activities pending the acceptance of restricted hardware (Technology Control Plan, Personnel Training) GGGGG

4 Action Items From Last PMR

5 Accomplishments LBTI – Completed a successful ORR 28 April – Conducted June 2015 observing run (no HOSTS nights) – Prepared ORR RFA responses – Prepared detailed post-ORR schedule LBTO – Completed successful SX refurbishment – Stable operation of all telescope systems in support of LBTI during June observing runs 5

6 Upcoming Events Complete NIC summer shutdown work: TBD pending announcement of Fall Observing Schedule 6

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