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Specializes in the tracking of large whales by satellite To date WTG tagged a total of 547 whales from 11 different species. Whale Telemetry Group Tags.

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Presentation on theme: "Specializes in the tracking of large whales by satellite To date WTG tagged a total of 547 whales from 11 different species. Whale Telemetry Group Tags."— Presentation transcript:

1 Specializes in the tracking of large whales by satellite To date WTG tagged a total of 547 whales from 11 different species. Whale Telemetry Group Tags are implantable and can generally last from 3 mo – 1 yr+ Argos acquired locations Accuracy depends on the number of received transmissions per satellite pass; ranges from 250 m - 10 km+ Typically get 1 – 2 locations/d or every other day depending on tag programming

2 SST Chlorophyll-a SST Gradient Chlor Gradient Bathymetry Mixed effects regression, GAM, etc. Pathfinder v. 5 SEA WIFS

3 Etnoyer et al 2004 SST & Chlor Derived Products: Fronts, ekman pumping, ??? Sea ice migratory key? Very near-shore habitat Blue Whales Gray Whales Sperm Whales Deep Divers SSH, SST? How to infer deep in the water column and up the food chain?

4 8 d GOES SST composite (Aug 8, 2004) off western US overlaid with a blue whale track.

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