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Emotional Health and Wellbeing Study Day May 2012 Five Ways to Wellbeing New Economics Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotional Health and Wellbeing Study Day May 2012 Five Ways to Wellbeing New Economics Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotional Health and Wellbeing Study Day May 2012 Five Ways to Wellbeing New Economics Foundation

2 ‘ to develop a set of evidence-based actions to improve personal well- being... and provide people with the understanding and tools to redefine wealth in terms of well-being.’

3 Well-being The concept of well-being comprises of two main elements: Feeling goodFeeling good Functioning wellFunctioning well positive relationships happiness control over one’s life contentment enjoyment curiosity sense of purpose sense of purpose engagement engagement positive relationships happiness control over one’s life contentment enjoyment curiosity sense of purpose sense of purpose engagement engagement

4 Greatest Impact The things we doThe things we do The way we thinkThe way we think

5 Selection Process Evidence-based - little well-being evidence to date but impact of specific interventions beginning to emerge Universal appeal – all ages, backgrounds, etc Target the individual – making changes for personal well-being The need for variety – a means of reaching a diverse population and engaging as many people as possible

6 Connect... Social relationships are critical for promoting well-being and for acting as a buffer against ill health across all ages Happy people have stronger social relationships than less happy people Life goals linked to a commitment to family and friends promoted life satisfaction. In contrast, life goals associated with career or material success were detrimental to life satisfaction. Evidence from Foresight Challenge Reports 2009

7 Be Active... Regular physical activity is associated with a greater sense of well-being and lower rates of depression and anxiety across all age groups. Physical activity is a good mechanism for slowing age-related cognitive decline and central to cognition in children. Physical activity does not have to be intense to generate a sense of ‘feeling good’. Evidence from Foresight Challenge Reports 2009

8 Take notice... Being in a state known as mindfulness has also been shown to predict positive mental states, self-regulated behaviour and heightened self- knowledge Being aware of what is taking place, in the present, directly enhances well-being and savouring an experience can help reinstate life priorities. Evidence from Foresight Challenge Reports 2009

9 Keep learning... The continuation of learning through life has the benefits of enhancing an individual’s self- esteem, encouraging social interaction and a more active life. Participation in self-generated lifelong learning serves to positively impact on an individual’s well-being and resilience. Goal-directed behaviour, at any age, is positive for mental health. Evidence from Foresight Challenge Reports 2009

10 Give... Mental well-being is enhanced when an individual is able to achieve a sense of purpose in society and thus contribute to their community. Helping, sharing, giving and team-orientated behaviours are associated with an increased sense of self-worth and positive feelings. Feelings of life satisfaction have been strongly associated with active participation in community life. Evidence from Foresight Challenge Reports 2009

11 Ofsted: Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development In considering how well a school promotes pupils’ SMSC development inspectors should: “...take into account teaching that encourages participation, creativity, reflection, consideration for needs of others, self-reliance and independence.” Janet Palmer National Advisor HMI Ofsted SMSC – Subsidiary Guidance 2012

12 Five Ways to Wellbeing Activity Give Take Notice Take Notice Connect Be Active Keep Learning

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