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Hadronic Resonances Evgeni Kolomeitsev, Matej Bel University.

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Presentation on theme: "Hadronic Resonances Evgeni Kolomeitsev, Matej Bel University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hadronic Resonances Evgeni Kolomeitsev, Matej Bel University

2 Resonances Scattering, K-matrix, PWA Scattering, K-matrix, PWA Pentaquark QCD Hadrogenesis

3 Particle Data Group publishes every two years Review of Particles Physics. The main part of review is devoted to the Particle Properties Tables. Their current form stems directly from a 1957 article in the Annual review of nuclear science, by Gell-Mann and Rosenfeld. Till 1963 the data surveys were provided by two periodic compilations: Univ. of California Radiation Lab. Report UCRL-8030 by Barkas and Rosenfeld (Rosenfeld’s Tables) and by Matts Roos from NORDITA. As Roos saw the Rosenfeld et al.'s computerized draft of the 1964 edition, he suggested combining efforts. There were only 27 pages! Rev. Mod. Phys. 36 (1965) 977

4 Review of Particle Physics 2004: 53 authors + 97 additional contributors more than 1000 pages MesonsBaryons C=B=072+28 (s) 44+59 (s) C,B=1 2217 C,B=2 281 Total:150123 6 quark, 4 gauge bosons QCD is trying to explain 273 hadronic states in terms of u,d,s,c,b quarks

5 electrons, protons and neutrons All others particles only on photographs pions K-K- -- e+e+ e+e+ e-e- e-e- kaons  00 lead sheet ++ ++ ++ -- -- -- -- K-K- ++ K-K-  hyperons n n  - hyperons -- K+K+ K-K- -- -- e-e- e-e- e+e+ e+e+  K0K0 00 p   D mesons 2 mm D0D0 D+D+ Resonaneces live too short 10 -24 s to be seen on photographs

6   first subatomic resonance seen at BNL in 1953 in  N !  N reaction The graph was drawn by Luke Yuan who with colleague Sam Lindenbaum, made the discovery.

7 Excite ! Resonance measurement at home geometry and elastisity define a resonating eigenmode resonating system Listen and enjoy!

8 Target Detector 

9 phase shift partial wave amplitudes

10 Non-relativistic resonance scattering [K. Peräjärvi et al, Phys. Rev. C 74, 024306 (2006)]

11 suppression of outgoing wave @ wave function in 11 C+p Re T Im T 22  2 1

12  N ( 1220MeV )  N (1534MeV) Manley, Saleski, PRD 45, 4002

13 momentum can be precisely measured only at t->1 momentum can be precisely measured only at t->1 coordinate of a relativistic particle has no meaning coordinate of a relativistic particle has no meaning Zeitschrift für Physik 69

14 interaction zone free particles introduced by J.A. Wheeler Phys. Rev. 52 (1937) 1107 interaction vanishes at §1 reaction amplitude

15 scattered wave function Transition probability in the unit of time: discrete spectrum continous spectrum smooth function of energy

16 Conservation of probability for scattering amplitude on the energy shell

17 Breit-Wigner amplitude

18 Re T Im T 1 phase shift goes through  /2 anticlockwise arcs pronounced peaks in cross sections Re T=0 and Im T peaks Valid for narrow and isolated resonance!


20 K is real and symmetric and can be diagonalized by the an orthogonal transformation. T and S=1+2iT are diagonalized by the same transformation. resonance in channel a : resonance in channel a : partial widths in incoming and outgoing channels background

21 Background (non-resonant) part distorts a resonance signal Reliable identification of the resonance becomes art NN NN resonances listed in PDG Arndt, SP06

22  N (I=0) Giacomelli, NPB 71, 138 Giacomelli (74) Martin (75)


24 But how to build hadrons out of quarks?

25 Portrait gallery of the Nucleon © Ed Shuryak NPA 606 quark model bag model chiral bag Skyrmion Excitations?

26 What is a suitable language for the description of hadronic states? Weinberg's Third Law of Progress in Theoretical Physics You may use any degrees of freedom you like to describe a physical system, but if you use the wrong ones, you'll be sorry! Weinberg's Third Law of Progress in Theoretical Physics You may use any degrees of freedom you like to describe a physical system, but if you use the wrong ones, you'll be sorry!


28 production final state interactions! scattering Resonances are seen through their decay products in reactions resonance

29 mass shift + open the closed system width analiticity fluctuations: closed channel dynamics mass shift due to coupling to closed channels U. Fano, Phys. Rev. 124 (1961) 1866

30 + background effective kernel: smooth dependence on energy s 1/2 the heavier channel, the less attraction we need Lippmann-Schwinger, Bethe-Salpeter equation attractive potential generates a bound state

31 dialing the interaction one can always generate a resonance in one channel

32 “3 quark bound states” are seen on the Lattice Bern-Graz-Regensburg Collab. PRD 74 unquenching = let quarks fluctuate! open questions: extrapolation to small quark masses

33 hadron loops mass shift can be substential Morel, Capstick, nucl-th/0204014 physical mass bare potential from quark model

34 Found. Phys. 31 (2001)



37 known from mid 60s  (1405), N(1535),… to be tested


39 Phys.Lett. B582,49; Phys. Lett. B585, 243



42 [10] [8] [27]?

43 f 0 (980), … to be tested

44 Nucl. Phys A730, 392


46 beyond quark model

47 Phys. Lett. B582, 39 similar pattern in 1 + spectrum shifted by 140 MeV



50 Resonances are “seen” in reactions, i.e, only when they couple to some initial and final states “Final state interaction” can be strong and can “generate” the resonance Hadrogenesis conjecture: Hadronic resonances can be constructed from lowest 0 -, 1 -, and 1/2 +, 3/2 + states Chiral SU(3) at leading order: parameter-free prediction for baryon and meson resonances in light and heavy-light quark sectors Chiral SU(3) at leading order: parameter-free prediction for baryon and meson resonances in light and heavy-light quark sectors


52 Meson-nucleon scattering

53 Q: Q 2 : Q 3 : Nucl. Phys. A700 (2002) 193



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