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Welcome. 9A Unit One Star signs Revision Ⅱ Grammar.

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1 Welcome

2 9A Unit One Star signs Revision Ⅱ Grammar

3 Finished all his summer homework in the first week David’s good qualities to be a good chairperson Is never afraid of making a speech in assembly Always gets good marks in tests Doesn’t forget to do the things he needs to do Often helps us with our homework David organized helpful hard- working confident clever

4 Finished all his summer homework in the first week confident Is never afraid of making a speech in assembly Always gets good marks in tests Doesn ’ t forget to do the things he needs to do Often helps us with our homework hard-working helpful organized clever To express what we think of David ’ s actions → It ’ s confident of David to make a speech in assembly. → It ’ s hard-working of David to finish all his summer homework in the first week. → It ’ s clever of David to get good marks in tests. → It ’ s helpful of him to help us with our homework. → It ’ s organized of him not to forget to do the things he needs to do.

5 2. Sandy is careless. She makes a lot of mistakes. 3. she is ?. She cares only about herself. 1. You are kind. You help me clean the classroom. 4. He is silly. He does not forgive others for their faults. 合并句子 → It ’ s careless of Sandy to make a lot of mistakes. → It ’ s kind of you to help me clean the classroom. → It ’ s selfish of her to care only about herself. → It ’ s silly of him not to forgive others for their faults.

6 Grammar A ‘It is’+ adjective +‘of ’+sb.+ ‘(not) to’- infinitive. ‘It is’Adjective‘of’Object‘(not) to’ -infinitive It is careless of Sandyto make a lot of mistakes. sillyhim not to forgive others for their faults.

7 1. A. It is _____________ ________Simon________ buy gifts for all of us. B. It is ___________ ________ Bob _______ eat the whole cake. 4. A. It is __________ ________ Amy ______ work out the difficult maths problem. B. It is _______________ _______ me not _______ work out the easiest one. 2. A. It is _______________ _______ David _______ do a lot of extra work for the Students’ Union. B. It is _______ _______ Tom ______ sleep all day. 3. A. It is _______ _______ Paul ______ wait without getting angry. B. It is ___________ _______ her not______ wait for a while. hard-working generous clever patient Choose the correct adjectives to complete Sentences A, then use their opposites to complete Sentences B. generous selfishofto hard-working lazy patient impatient clever foolish/silly of to of

8 3. 比利能想出这么多好点子真是富有创造性。 ______________________________with so many good ideas. Translation: 1. 你把钢笔拿给我真是太好了。 ______________________ bring me the pen. It ’ s nice/kind of you to 2. 你的父母亲为我们组织这个晚会真是考虑周到 。 __________________________________ this party for us. It ’ s thoughtful of your parents to organize It’s creative of Billy to come up

9 6. 学数学对于我们来说是很重要的. ____________________ learn Maths. ? It ’ s + adj. + of/for + sb. + ( not ) to do sth. 5. 她不想到别人真是自私。 __________________________________others. It’s selfish of her not to think of It’s typical of Simon to make It’s important for us to 4. 西蒙总是把东西弄得一团糟. ________________________ such a mess.

10 It+is+ nice, kind, good, wrong, clever, foolish, silly, careless, generous, selfish, polite, … + of + for sb.+ (not) to do sth. +sb.+ (not) to do sth. important, necessary, impossible, possible, interesting, hard, difficult, easy, … 描述整个 不定 式 的情况如何或 怎样的形容词 adj. 描述行为者的性 格品质的形容词

11 Choose ‘of ’ or ‘for’ to complete the following sentences  It is very kind______ you to lend me your bike.  It is wrong _____ us not to hand in our homework on time.  It isn’t polite ______ you to say bad words about others.  It is necessary _____ students to achieve a balance between their homework and hobbies.  It is easy ______Lily to solve the problem. of for of for

12 Pay attention :  It’s + adj. + of + sb. + to do sth.  It’s + adj. + for + sb. + to do sth.  It’s + adj. + to do sth.  It’s + adj + that clause

13 Exercises: 1.That’s very interesting to play computer games. ( 改错 ) 2. It’s useful for we to learn English well. ( 改错 ) 3. It’s careless for him to lose the key. ( 改错 ) 4. Kitty dances for two hours every day. She is active. ( 同义句 ) ______ _______ ______ Kitty ______ ______ for two hours every day. That’s → It’s we → us for → of It’s active of to dance

14 6. 对他来说要解决这个问题是很困难的。 ( 翻译 ) It’s ___________________________ problem. 7. 她没有犯任何错误真是太细心了。 ( 翻译 ) It’s ___________________________any mistakes. careful of her not to make 5. It’s impossible that we spend too much time on hobbies. ( 同义句 ) It’s _________ ______ ______ ____ spend too much time on hobbies. impossible for us to difficult for him to solve the

15 helpful Finished all his summer homework in the first week David’s good qualities to be a good chairperson Is never afraid of making a speech in assembly Always gets good marks in tests Remembers to do the things he needs to do Often helps us with our homework confident clever hard-working organized David David is hard-working enough to finish all his summer homework in the first week. David is clever enough to always get good marks in tests. David is helpful enough to help us with our homework. David is organized enough to remember to do the things he needs to do. David is confident enough to make a speech in assembly.

16 Grammar B Verb ‘to be’ + adjective + ‘enough’ + ‘to’ do sth. subjectbeadj.enoughto do Iamconfidentenoughto make a speech in assembly. You/We/Theyare He/She/It/Davidis We can use this pattern to describe a person’s personality and abilities.

17 根据提示词用 ’enough to’ 造句 Lisa is energetic enough to be a leader. Peter is imaginative enough to become an artist. 1.Lisa, energetic, be a leader ________________________________ 2.Peter, imaginative, become an artist ______________________________________ Exercises 改错 1.Peter is enough easy-going to get on well with everyone. 2. Suzy is humourous enough that make us laugh. enough easy-going → easy-going enough that → to

18 China’s Shenzhou VI landed successfully on the morning of 17th this month. The students of Class One,Grade 9 are all talking about this.Help Amy and Kitty complete their conversation. Amy: Have you heard of the successful landing of Shenzhou VI? Kitty: Yes, of course. It’s _______________( exciting that, exciting to ) hear such good news. Amy: Yes. I think it’s brave _________ ( of / for) the two spacemen( 宇航员 ), Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng ____________(to take/that take) this task. exciting to of to take

19 Kitty: I agree with you. It’s very dangerous _________(for/of) them to do the job. They may lose their lives if they’re not ________________(careful enough / enough careful). Amy: But they are ___________________(enough confident/ confident enough) _________(to/that) finish the great mission( 飞行 ). Kitty: Yes, I agree. And it’s said that it’s very hard ____________(to be/being) a spaceman. Amy: Sure. I think they are _________________ (good enough/enough good ) to be great spacemen. for careful enough confident enough to to be good enough

20 名 称意 义词 性 Subject ( S ) 主语 主动句中:表示谁或 什么执行了动作 被动句中:表示谁或 什么受到动作的影响 通常由名词、名词短 语或代词来担任 Predicate 谓语 对主语进行描述由动词及其它描述主 语的相关成分组成 Object 宾语 ( O ) Direct object ( DO )直接宾语 直接受动作影响的人 或物 通常由名词、名词短 语或代词来担任 Indirect object ( I0 )间接宾语 间接受动作影响的人 (动作是为 / 向谁做的) Different parts of a sentence (1)

21 名 称意 义词 性 Predicative ( P ) 表语 接在连系动词后构成系表结 构 通常由形容词等担 任 Object complement (OC) 宾补 位于宾语之后, 与宾语相关连 并对其进行描述 通常由名词或形容 词(短语)等担任 Attributive 定语 位于名词前并起到修饰名词 的作用 通常由名词或形容 词等担任 Adverbial 状语 提供关于动作的额外信息, 如:动作发生的时间、地点、 方式、程度等 可以由副词(短 语)、介词短语或 名词短语等担任 Different parts of a sentence ( 2 )

22 1. Amy wants to travel around the world. 2. Mr Li is angry now. 3. An energetic person has a lot of energy. 4. His jokes made me happy. 5. My mother bought me a new bike in the supermarket yesterday. Exercises : 指出下列划线部分在句中担任的成分 Subject (S) Verb (V) Predicative (P) Direct object (DO) Indirect object (IO) Object complement (OC) Adverbial Attributive S S S S S V P V V V DO OC IO Adverbial Attributive V

23 Use suitable words to complete the following sentences. I feel __________ at times. 1. __________ likes to dream about everything. 2. Mille is a ____________ girl. 3. Jim always buys ____________ for his friends. 4. She looks __________ in red. 5. We should keep our classroom ___________. 6. I often play football ______________. tired/sad etc. ( Predicative ) She/Peter etc. ( Subject ) careful/nice etc. ( Attributive ) gifts/books etc. ( Direct object ) nice/lovely etc. ( Predicative ) clean/tidy etc. ( Object complement ) for 3 hours /at school etc. ( Adverbial )

24 Unit 1 Grammar A ‘It is’ +adjective +‘of ’+sb.+‘(not) to’-infinitive B Verb ‘ to be ’ + adjective + ‘ enough ’ + ‘ to ’ do sth. C Different parts of a sentence Conclusion

25 Goodbye!

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