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Words and expressions communicationfoldvarypartfirm get through start a conversation.

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1 Words and expressions communicationfoldvarypartfirm get through start a conversation

2 1.We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people. use…to do…and to do… be used to do It is used to carry water. 在学校食堂吃饭,你只能用饭卡,不能用现金。 在学校食堂吃饭,你只能用饭卡,不能用现金。 You can only use your meal card in the school dining hall,never cash. school dining hall,never cash.

3 communicate 1.The news was communicated to me by one of my friends. 2.The TV station communicated the storm warming to the islanders. warming to the islanders. vt. 传达;传送(新闻,消息等) vt. 传达;传送(新闻,消息等) 3 We can communicate with people in most parts of the world by telephone. vi. 通讯;联络;交换信息,(与 with 连用) vi. 通讯;联络;交换信息,(与 with 连用)

4 2.We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language. language. Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye”. 3 Words are important,but the way a person stands,folds his or her arms,or moves his or hands can also give us information about his or her feelings.

5 fold v. 折叠 He folded his clothes neatly. Fold the letter in two before putting it into the envelope. the envelope.Idioms: fold one’s arms fold one’s hands fold sth /sb in one’s arms Mother folded the baby in his arms.

6 4. Just like spoken language,body language varies from culture to culture. vary 改变;使有变化; The weather sometimes varies from very cold to quite mild( 温和). vary from…to… The price varies with the season. vary with…

7 part Only (a) part of his story is true. “ 部分 ” The crowd parted and let us through. We tried to part the two fighters. The English Channel parts the Britain from France. “ 分开 “ Let’s part friends. “ 分手 ” , “ 断绝关系 ”

8 firm adj. 牢固的;稳固的;坚决的 I don’t think that box is firm enough to stand on. stand on. He kept a firm hold on the old lady’s arm as he helped her get off the bus. adv. 坚定地;稳固地 I hold firm to my belief. He stands firm against any temptation.

9 get through 通过;完成;达到 I ‘ve got through several letters. 我今天写了好几封信。 I started as soon as your message got through to me.

10 1 他们没有办法和汤姆进行交流。 2 你应该改变你的饮食。 3 警察分开了人群。 4 人们以有力的握手来彼此问候。 They had no way to communicate with Tom. You should vary your diet. The police parted the crowd. People greet each other with a firm handshake. 5 鸟儿收起了翅膀。 The birds folded its wings.

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