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Don McClain 1 W. 65th St. church of Christ / October18,2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Don McClain 1 W. 65th St. church of Christ / October18,2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Don McClain 1 W. 65th St. church of Christ / October18,2009

2  Walking In Godly Attitudes That Promote Unity – Eph. 4:1-3  Walking In Truth – The Basis For Unity – Eph. 4:4-6  Walking In The Functions Given To Help Maintain Unity – Eph. 4:7-16  Walk In Truth And Holiness – Put Off The Old Man And Put On The New Man – Eph. 4:17-32 Don McClain 2 W. 65th St. church of Christ / October18,2009

3 Three Sets of Contrast  Walk in LOVE – not in unloving sin – Ep 5:1-7  Walk in LIGHT – not in darkness - Ep 5:8-14  Walk in WISDOM – not in foolishness - Ep 5:15-21 Don McClain 3 W. 65th St. church of Christ / October18,2009

4 Walk In Love – (5:1-7)  As Christ also has loved us and gave Himself for us - (5:2,25)  Means keeping God’s commandments – 1 John 5:2-4; John 14:15, 21-24  Means loving one another – John 13:34,35; 15:17; 1 John 3:14-16  Character of love – 1 Cor. 13:1-8 Don McClain 4 W. 65th St. church of Christ / October18,2009

5 Walk In Love – (5:1-7)  Some loveless sins - (5:3-7)  Fornication  Uncleanness  Covetousness  Filthiness  Foolish Talking  Course Jesting Don McClain 5 W. 65th St. church of Christ / October18,2009

6 Walk In Light – (5:8-14)  Fruit of the spirit – (All goodness - righteousness & truth vs. 9; Gal. 5:22,23 )  Finding out what is acceptable- (10)  Having no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness – (11)  Exposing those in darkness – (11,12)  Light exposes darkness – (13)  Awake unto righteousness – (13-14) Don McClain 6 W. 65th St. church of Christ / October18,2009

7 Walk In Wisdom – (5:15-21)  Making good use of our time – (16)  Growing in the knowledge of God's word - (being filled with the Spirit) – (17,18)  Busy in worship and praise – (19)  Busy in prayer giving thanks – (20)  Submitting to one another – (21) Don McClain 7 W. 65th St. church of Christ / October18,2009

8 Three Sets of Contrast  Walk in LOVE – not in unloving sin – Ep 5:1-7  Walk in LIGHT – not in darkness - Ep 5:8-14  Walk in WISDOM – not in foolishness - Ep 5:15-21 Don McClain 8 W. 65th St. church of Christ / October18,2009

9 Don McClain W. 65th St. church of Christ / October18,2009 9

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