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Team Fuzzy Balls Waqas Abbasi Dusty Ashberry Daniel Grant Chadwick Harris Gene Karshenboym Robert Ricaud.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Fuzzy Balls Waqas Abbasi Dusty Ashberry Daniel Grant Chadwick Harris Gene Karshenboym Robert Ricaud."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Fuzzy Balls Waqas Abbasi Dusty Ashberry Daniel Grant Chadwick Harris Gene Karshenboym Robert Ricaud

2 Team Fuzzy Balls2 Prototype Review Completed Parts Parts in Progress Discuss design changes Discuss status of prototype build Next weeks deliverables

3 Team Fuzzy Balls3 Completed Parts Lid was cut to fit the opening of the polyethylene tank purchased from US Plastics McMaster-Carr was used to purchase the pressure switch, Schrader valve, and bleed valve. Holes were drilled into the lid of the container for the parts purchased from McMaster-Carr and the parts were attached. Seals were attached to the lip of the container.

4 Team Fuzzy Balls4 Parts in Progress The reinforcing of the walls is still being built. Thinking of using extra material from the lid to reinforce the walls or possible steel supports. Latches are still being researched for the prototype. New air compressor is being purchased and will be attached to the box.

5 Team Fuzzy Balls5 Design Modifications Looking at different wall thickness for the container to reduce the amount of bracing needed. Also looking at different materials needed to reduce the weight and the amount of bracing on the box.

6 Team Fuzzy Balls6 Prototype Status The reinforcing of the box is a key player in completing the prototype. Waiting to see how the box reacts under pressure before purchasing buckles for the lid.

7 Team Fuzzy Balls7 Project Pictures Complete lid in the machine shop

8 Team Fuzzy Balls8 Pictures Cont. Wiring the air compressor for the lid

9 Team Fuzzy Balls9 Pictures Cont. Inside of Compressor

10 Team Fuzzy Balls10 Pictures Cont. Applying the Seals

11 Team Fuzzy Balls11 Pictures Cont. Lid and Container assembly with out the air compressor

12 Team Fuzzy Balls12 Next Week Deliverables Complete any extra work on the prototype Create videos of working project Create the final presentation Finish the report Create a poster board display Update website and ftp the website to the ME4182 projects website

13 Team Fuzzy Balls13

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