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Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Ecological network, land use and biodiversity River Basin Management and Biodioversity Ecological.

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Presentation on theme: "Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Ecological network, land use and biodiversity River Basin Management and Biodioversity Ecological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Ecological network, land use and biodiversity River Basin Management and Biodioversity Ecological Networks Agriculture and biodiversity Land use working group

2 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Sava River = Backbone of the Pan European Ecological Network

3 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Overall objective of the project protect and manage the unique landscape and biodiversity along the Sava River through: a)identify, protect and manage floodplain areas of importance for the landscape and biodiversity b)design a coherent transboundary ecological network of the core areas, bufferzones and corridors, c)identify floodplain areas capable of storing floods d)introducing land use practices that support the protection of the landscape and biodiversity

4 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Integrated River Basin Management : Integration of land use management into River Basin Management Planning. River Basin

5 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca EU Policies- The Water Framework Directive Categorise, define and delineate each water body in river basin Assess Ecological Status for each water body Compare status of each WB with Reference Conditions / Maximum Ecological Potential Set measures for each WB to meet Good Ecological Status / Good Ecological Potential

6 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca EU Policies – Habitats Directive Identify and delineatee Natura 2000 habitat types and species’ habitats Assess Conservation Status for each Natura 2000 habitat type and species Evaluate importance of the habitat types and species for the site Set measures to secure Favourable Conservation Status of the Natura 2000 habitat types and species

7 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Elements of ecological networks It is a simple system, consisting of: core areas buffer zones corridors restoration areas Core area Restoration area Stepping stone corridor Linear corridor Bufferzone Landscape corridor Core area

8 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca A typology of corridors Line Corridor Line Corridor with nodes Stepping stone corridor Landscape corridor

9 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Agriculture and Biodiversity Agriculture shaped 60-70% of the landscape Agriculture added to the landscape and biodiversity large % of the bird and plant species live outside of protected areas, including endangered ones Land abandonment and intensification; two opposite processes

10 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Intake to the SOS canal Odransko Polje Prevlaka inlet sluice Cesma river Trebež I outlet sluice Palanjek inlet weir Dike 1972: Trebež II outlet sluice Evaluation of the flood retention system

11 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Conclusions Modelling Lonjsko Polje The inlet capacity is crucial for effective lowering of flood levels Effective management of floodplain biodiversity and effective flood management requires flooding with limited duration Timing of flood discharge requires insight in the time of flood waves of tributaries. Combining flood retention and biodiversity protection is possible but requires balancing between site and basin interests

12 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Continuation of extensive land-use is critical The impact of land use overrules the impact of floods

13 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Common Agricultural Policy First Pilar Second Pilar MarketRural Developent Food production Environmental function Rural function multi functional agriculture

14 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Pilar two - Agri-Environment Measures N-2000 sites, National Ecological Network or PEEN Supports species and habitats specific for the bio- geographical region Areas that host rare, endangered or threatened species (red list) Cultural historic areas (hedges, pastures) Educational and awareness raising aspects Linkage with other measures (water-management; erosion ) Introduction of ecological agriculture

15 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Land use working group Develop a strategy for sustainable land use and rural economic development to support biodiversity and landscape protection and to reduce nutrient emission. Identify and describe actual and traditional land use practises and their relevance for maintaining the landscape and biodiversity of the floodplains Activities Assess market conditions and product chains for regional agricultural products

16 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca Activities land use group (2) Identify opportunities for developing agro- and nature tourism and for establishing a coordinated network of nature trails and facilities (cycling trails, hiking etc) along the Sava River Develop action plan to sustain traditional extensive land use, especially livestock grazing, and to develop close- to-nature forestry practises for important forest areas Develop recommendations for setting up support scheme for continuing traditional land use practises and introducing new land use practises through EU and national policies and funding schemes

17 Wageningen International Sava Stakeholder Meeting Bardaca

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