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Simon Pellew, Time for Families Does a Good Man need a Good Woman? 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Simon Pellew, Time for Families Does a Good Man need a Good Woman? 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simon Pellew, Time for Families Does a Good Man need a Good Woman? 1

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4 Prisoners’ relationships Relationships matter because: It affects re-offending It affects the children It is treating people humanely (both prisoners and families) 4

5 Relationships key to desistance In USA a study of 500 delinquent boys, from mid- 1940s until they were 70 Marriage reduces odds of crime by 35% (this may apply to stable cohabitation as well) In UK, men who have visits much less likely to reoffend (rates 52% compared to 70%) “Your friends or me.” (Spouse of an adult offender who desisted from crime) 5

6 What is it about relationships? Men need to be committed Women control time and friendships Change in male self-image – changing from a “lad” to a “family man” New social networks 6 It is not how many beers you have, it’s who you drink with that matters. Wife of a man who desisted from crime after she insisted he switch drinking venues

7 Concerns Women shouldn’t be responsible Domestic Violence 7

8 Difficult to improve relationships Relationships are a mess: Poor communication Lack of commitment (mainly by men) and especially in co-habiting relationships Rows over parenting and money Men very suspicious and self-absorbed 8

9 What can be done? Improve communication  Increase Good and Avoid Bad  Increase Commitment  Forgive  Opportunities for talk, especially on hard subjects Parenting Together  Families complex  Help them talk through issues, rather than man lecturing woman  Assertive Parenting 9

10 Talking about Money Approaches to money (Tight – Loose, Material – Experience) Meaning of Money within a relationship – especially who controls it Coping with debt (especially for the partner) 10

11 Impact on relationships Measure Relationship Satisfaction 11

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