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New NIH Biographical Sketch Format NIH announced a new biosketch format and instructions, posted at SF 424 (R&R) Forms and Applications. The new format.

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Presentation on theme: "New NIH Biographical Sketch Format NIH announced a new biosketch format and instructions, posted at SF 424 (R&R) Forms and Applications. The new format."— Presentation transcript:

1 New NIH Biographical Sketch Format NIH announced a new biosketch format and instructions, posted at SF 424 (R&R) Forms and Applications. The new format is required for due dates on or after January 25, 2015.SF 424 (R&R) Forms and Applications The new format extends the page limit from four to five pages. It allows researchers to describe up to five of their most significant contributions to science, along with the historical background that framed their research. Investigators can outline the central findings of prior work and the influence of those findings. For more information, see the November 26, 2014, Guide notice.November 26, 2014, Guide notice

2 The V Foundation Scholar Grant Internal Deadline: March 2015 Amount: $200,000 over 2 years Each department (or Division in the Department of Medicine) may only submit one application. The V Foundation Scholar Grant The V Foundation Translational Grant Internal Deadline: March 2015 Amount: $600,000 over 3 years Each department (or Division in the Department of Medicine) may only submit one application. The V Foundation Translational Grant Internal Deadline February 1: 1. Outline of proposed research and its rationale (2-page limit not including references) 2. Biosketch of nominee including current and pending support in NIH format (4-page limit); 3. Send to Karen Coughlan

3 The Eleanor and Miles Shore 50th Anniversary Fellowship Program for Scholars in Medicine January 19, 2015 DEADLINE The Eleanor and Miles Shore 50th Anniversary Fellowship Program for Scholars in Medicine seeks to support the academic success of junior faculty, women and men, at the most vulnerable point in their careers, namely, when young physicians and scientists must teach, do research, compete for grants, publish, and practice (if a clinical faculty member) at the same time they may be assuming increased family or other responsibilities. Stipends of at least $25,000 may be used to buy protected time from clinical or laboratory responsibilities to pursue academic work, including writing a grant application, preparing a manuscript, completing a research project, or developing a new curriculum. Funds awarded could also be used for additional laboratory assistance at a time when the junior faculty member does not yet have independent funding. Eighty-six such Fellowships were awarded in 2014. Individual Shore Fellowships generally provide $30,000-$50,000 of funding per year. development/fellowships/50th-anniversary-shore-fellowships/ development/fellowships/50th-anniversary-shore-fellowships/ For questions, please contact the Faculty Development Coordinator Megan Dross at (617) 432-1198 or

4 2015 Abstract Timeline Monday, October 20, 2014 - Online submission of abstracts opens. Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - Abstract submission acceptance closes. February 2015 - Abstract acceptance letters sent via email. April 2015 - Abstracts published in the online edition of The Journal of Investigative Dermatology (JID)and in the JID print edition of the April 2015 supplement. Click HERE to view 2015 Abstract Categories & DefinitionsHERE Click HERE to submit your abstract.HERE

5 Insights for Investigators Peer Review of Manuscripts Karen Costenbader, MD, MPH December 18, 2014, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Shapiro Breakout Room Register online at This seminar will be eligible for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) credit and CME Credit. Additional RCR Eligible Seminars: Register online at

6 Writing for Publication Secrets to Successful Journal Club Presentations January 9 12-1 pm Carrie Hall Click to Register This seminar focuses on the elements of successful Journal Club presentations: 1) Knowing the criteria to use in choosing a high quality article; 2) Using a review of the field and relevant background literature to put the article in the proper context; 3) Discussing how the article will move the field forward.

7 Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR Cambridge Area) January 12, 14, & 16- 9:00am-12:00pm This nine hour course fulfills NSF & NIH requirements for formal RCR instruction for those desiring to deepen their knowledge of ethical research and responsible conduct. Registration closes: January 9, 2014 Course Link & Registration at:

8 The Office for Research Careers, Center for Faculty Development & Diversity, and the Brigham Research Institute are pleased to offer English as a Second Language for Scientists. The course is geared toward postdoctoral fellows. Other BWH researchers may apply and will be accepted as space allows. This course is designed to improve the communication skills of postdoctoral research fellows whose first language is not English and to help integrate them into their English-speaking environment. Class instruction will be highly interactive and conversation-based. Class size is limited so that each student is able to speak often and receive significant and useful feedback. English as a Second Language (ESL) Learn Conversational English & Practice Presentation Skills Apply online by January 6th CLICK HERE TO APPLY Placement Tests: January 13th, 15th or 21st Course runs 12 weeks from February 16th - May 8th Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays 5:30 - 8:30PM at One Brigham Circle Email us with any questions!

9 Understanding Biomarker Science: From Molecules to Images March 16-19, 2015 This course takes a more comprehensive look at biomarkers in translational research addressing the entire spectrum from discovery to evaluation and commercialization. Application opens mid-December, 2014. Eligibility MD, DMD, PharmD, or PhD and be poised to begin or be actively engaged in basic or clinical research Must be able to commit the full 4 days Funding level: Tuition-free for Harvard-affiliated institutionsHarvard-affiliated institutions

10 Journal Club December 8 Baecher-Allan & Anandasabapathy Labs Article Survey December 15 Clare Baecher-Allan Brad Dykstra & Jenna Geddes Article Review

11 BWH Dermatology Research Presentation Schedule December 5Barthel / Anandasabapathy Labs December 12Kupper (Pan) / Clark Labs December 19Kupper (Divito) / Dimitroff Labs December 26 No Lab Meeting

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