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Senior English 9/26/11 What are your concerns about the Culminating Project research paper? How do you think I can help you? Why did the coach flood the.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior English 9/26/11 What are your concerns about the Culminating Project research paper? How do you think I can help you? Why did the coach flood the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior English 9/26/11 What are your concerns about the Culminating Project research paper? How do you think I can help you? Why did the coach flood the gym? Eupectic – having good digestion Goals – Explore topics that will help you write the CP Research paper. Homework – Examine the ideas students have put on your “Chalk Talk” sheet. Select at least five topics you think might be helpful to research.

2 Senior English 9/27/11 What is your preferred method of researching and writing a research paper? Why does it work so well for you? Why should you be careful when it is raining cats and dogs? Farctate – full, stuffed. Goals – Explore a new technique for gathering and saving sources of information. Homework – Find two sources that are authoritative and applicable for your CP research paper. Copy the exact page containing information onto a “Potential Sources” list. (points will be assigned tomorrow)

3 Senior English 9/28/11 How do you think you can include your own thoughts in any research paper? The CP research paper? Why did the cucumber blush? Dispeptic – having bad digestion Goals – Create a viable notes page that will be useful when the time comes to write and document your research. Homework – Brainstorm other specific potential sources of information for your paper. (non-internet) (points will be assigned tomorrow)

4 Senior English 9/29/11 How do you think you can prepare to interview an expert about your CP topic? What are the benefits and downfalls? How do you fix a broken tomato? Bromatology – A treatise or essay of food, a study of food. Goals – Explore other types of note-taking that work for other types of sources. Homework – Complete a final list of at least five sources for your CP research paper. Don’t forget the Vocab Quiz tomorrow, week 5 words.

5 Senior English 9/30/11 Five minutes to review for the vocabulary quiz. Five minutes to review for the vocabulary quiz. Why shouldn’t you wear snow boots? Fletcherize – to chew thoroughly and specifically – 30 chews for every mouthful. Goals – Complete week 5 vocabulary study, Pursue valid sources of information on CP research topics for your paper. Homework – Bring extensive note pages – properly formatted - from two sources relevant to your CP Research paper.

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