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D ROPOUT V ERIFICATION December 2013 Iowa Department of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "D ROPOUT V ERIFICATION December 2013 Iowa Department of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 D ROPOUT V ERIFICATION December 2013 Iowa Department of Education

2 D ROPOUT V ERIFICATION Opens: December 3 rd Closes: December 16 th All districts with 7-12 grade students must verify

3 W HO IS A D ROPOUT ? Dropouts are based upon the time frame from October 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013 Dropout calculations are based upon portions of two school years. The most recent enrollment information is used to determine dropouts.

4 W HO IS A D ROPOUT ? A 7 thru 12 student with a BEDS entry code… 1 – Enrolled 2 – Open Enrolled In 3 – Tuition In Parent Paid 4 – Tuition In District Paid 5 – Whole Grade Shared In 10 – Tuition In Out of State 15 – Tuition In State Paid 19 – Foreign Student on Visa AND

5 A D ROPOUT...( CONTINUED ) Was reported with an exit code of ‘4’ and was not active on Oct. 1, 2013 or Completed the 2012-2013 school year but was unreported as of Oct. 1, 2013 or Had an unresolved Exit Code from Oct.1, 2012 to Sept. 30, 2013 (e.g., transferred to, open enrolled, or tuition out to another Iowa public school district but was never reported by the new district; within district transfer with no following entry; transfer to unknown; etc.) or Note: The last school of attendance / reporting on record is the district responsible for this drop Reached maximum age by Sept. 15, 2013

6 CPI, Public and Non-public Shared Time, and Foreign Exchange Students are not considered dropouts for any district. The guidelines regarding Dropout Definitions and additional examples may be found in Addendum E on the Student Reporting in Iowa website. Data & Reporting -> Data Reporting -> Student Reporting in Iowa 2013-2014 Documents, Addendum E

7 Log into the DE’s A&A Portal: https://portal.ed.iowa.gov Select the Dropout Report under EdInfo -> Student Level Applications

8 Select the year 2012-2013

9 The application has a new look and approach. “Home” on the menu bar shows a summary of the dropouts your district submitted in Spring and Fall 2013. Previous dropouts who returned active on Oct.1, 2013 are not considered dropouts and are not included. You are certifying (verifying) only the 17 dropouts shown.

10 Clicking on “Dropouts” provides a summary by building and grade. Not all dropouts you submitted may be used in your dropout calculation. Clicking a number shows the list of students in that cell.

11 K was transferred to district 7110 on March 2. Because no district, including 7110, reporting him as attending on the following October 1, he is considered a dropout. Most dropouts will have an Exit Code of ‘4’ Dropout. Disclaimer: Dates of the sample data that follow are from 2011-2012. Please advance or ignore the year.

12 Clicking on “Returns” shows those students that you exited as a dropout in Spring (previous year) but who were actively enrolled on the following October 1 in your district. They will not be considered dropouts and were not included in the “Home” summary.

13 Clicking on “Tuitioned In” shows the dropouts tuitioned in from other districts as well as students living in a residential facility in your district. Their dropout district will be the resident district or in the case of Service Type 2 or 3 (residential), the state.

14 Clicking on “Tuitioned Out” shows dropouts of your resident students who tuition out to another district. Your district will be the dropout district unless the student lives in a residential facility. In this case, R lives in a residential facility and is a state dropout (90980000). If the student does not live in a residential facility, the dropout district will be yours.

15 Clicking on “Accountable Drops” shows a preview of your district dropout report calculation. Because some data comes from other districts, you are not being asked to certify this list. If you have a question about a dropout who attended another district, contact that district for clarification. If you have a question about a dropout who attended your district, contact a consultant. Only the consultants can make changes to the data. You cannot. Your Accountable Drops: Begin with the students listed in the “Dropouts” option. Subtract the students listed in the “Tuitioned In” option. Add the students who are not living in a residential facility in the “Tuitioned Out” option. FYI: State-level dropouts are those with Entry Code 15 and those living in a residential facility including Job Corps. The Dropout District is 90980000. Open Enrolled dropouts are accountable to the attending district and not the resident district. The “Returns” option is for your information only.

16 Your “Accountable Drops”: 17 students were listed as “Dropouts”. Subtract the 7 students listed as “Tuitioned In”. Add 0 students listed as “Tuitioned out” because the one student lived in a residential facility. 10 students are your Accountable Drops.

17 Certification Deadline is December 16 th.

18 D ROPOUT V ERIFICATION A SSISTANCE Contact one of the following consultants to ask questions or make changes. You are unable to make changes on your own. margaret.hanson@iowa.govmargaret.hanson@iowa.gov515-281-3214 rachel.kruse@iowa.govrachel.kruse@iowa.gov515-281-4153 gary.kirchhoff@iowa.govgary.kirchhoff@iowa.gov515-281-6278 Any available consultant515-242-5976 Reminder: Certification Deadline is December 16, 2013

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