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San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission The Adapting to Rising Tides Project.

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Presentation on theme: "San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission The Adapting to Rising Tides Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission The Adapting to Rising Tides Project

2 A collaborative project to increase shoreline and community resilience to sea level rise and storms Adapting to Rising Tides

3 Sea Level Rise and Shoreline Analysis

4 Adapting to Rising Tides Refined inundation and flood maps 16” sea level rise55” sea level rise

5 Adapting to Rising Tides Shoreline protection included High tide – 16” SLR Extreme tide – 16” SLR Area low-lying Area inundated

6 Adapting to Rising Tides The depth of inundation determined

7 Adapting to Rising Tides Potential locations and depths that shoreline protection could be overtopped 1 – 3 feet

8 Adapting to Rising Tides The CA Coastal Mapping Project is helping the ART project determine: Shoreline vulnerability to sea level rise and storms Strategies and options to improve community and shoreline resilience

9 For More Information BCDC Project Manager: Lindy Lowe 415-352-3642 Wendy Goodfriend 415-352-3646

10 Shoreline Classification Adapting to Rising Tides

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