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Earth Moon Sun System TIDES. A TIDE IS…. The periodic rise and fall of the waters of the ocean and its inlets, produced by the attraction of the moon.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Moon Sun System TIDES. A TIDE IS…. The periodic rise and fall of the waters of the ocean and its inlets, produced by the attraction of the moon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Moon Sun System TIDES

2 A TIDE IS…. The periodic rise and fall of the waters of the ocean and its inlets, produced by the attraction of the moon and sun

3 Usually we say… the tide is high when the water is deeper, and low when the water is more shallow.

4 Tides are “bulges” of water. The moon pulls the water AND THE EARTH to the right.

5 High tides occur when….. The Earth’s rotation carries us into a bulge.

6 Low tides occur when…. The earth’s rotation carries us OUT OF a bulge.

7 Tides will be “higher” when…. The sun, moon and earth are lined up.

8 Tides will be lower when… The sun and moon are at right angles to the earth.

9 Tide strength is also influenced by distance between earth, moon and sun (Tides stronger at perihelion and perigee.)

10 Aphelion??? Point in an orbit farthest from sun ( From GK, “apo” off / away and helios, sun)

11 Perihelion Point in an orbit nearest the sun (From the GK “peri”—near and “helios”)

12 Apogee Point in an orbit ……..? (From the GK “apo” and “gaia”)

13 Perigee Point in an orbit …..


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