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MY CAREER PORTFOLIO ANDREW KIMBRO. HIGH SCOOL PLAN 9th GRADE10th GRADE11th GRADE12th GRADE Math/Math/geometryMath/Algebra IIMath/Pre-Calculus English/AdvancedEnglish/HonorsEnglish.

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Presentation on theme: "MY CAREER PORTFOLIO ANDREW KIMBRO. HIGH SCOOL PLAN 9th GRADE10th GRADE11th GRADE12th GRADE Math/Math/geometryMath/Algebra IIMath/Pre-Calculus English/AdvancedEnglish/HonorsEnglish."— Presentation transcript:


2 HIGH SCOOL PLAN 9th GRADE10th GRADE11th GRADE12th GRADE Math/Math/geometryMath/Algebra IIMath/Pre-Calculus English/AdvancedEnglish/HonorsEnglish Science/BiologyScience/ChemistryScience/Human Anatomy Science/Physics Social Studies/WHSocial Studies/US History-1877 Social Studies/Economics Honors, US Government Physical Education, Agriscience Physical Education, Health Education Physical education, Health Education

3 AFTER HIGH SCHOOL PLAN Auburn University- Masters Degree  Master of Civil Engineering Degree  Requires a minimum of 27 semester hours of graduate course work other than CIVL 7980.  Three semester hours of Civil Engineering Project (CIVL 7980), culminating in a final written report approved by the student's advisory committee.  Courses in related fields outside of the department can be taken as part of the mandatory 27 hours.  The specific plan of study must be approved by the student's advisory committee.  Must pass an on-campus comprehensive oral examination covering course work and the project.  No language requirement.  No residency requirement  Special requirements for persons holding college degrees in fields other than Civil Engineering: Environmental Engineering Program  Because there is no residency requirement, the M.C.E. (in the environmental area only) can be obtained anywhere in the world through the AU Graduate Outreach Program.

4 AFTER HIGH SCHOOL PLAN  Curriculum-Freshman  FallHoursSpringHours  ENGL 1100 English Composition I3ENGL 1120 English Composition II 3  PHYS 1600 Engineering Physics I4PHYS 1610 Engineering Physics II 4  MATH 1610 Calculus I4MATH 1620 Calculus II4  HIST 1020 World History II3POLI 1090 American Government in Multicultural World3  ENGR 1100 Engineering Orientation0ENGR 1110 Introduction to Engineering2  COMP 1200 Introduction to Computing for Engineers and Scientists2  16 16

5  Curriculum-Sophomore  FallHoursSpringHoursSummerHours  CHEM 1030 Fundamentals Chemistry I3CHEM 1040 Fundamental Chemistry II3Core Literature II3  CHEM 1031 Fundamental Chemistry I Laboratory1ENGR 2070 Mechanics of Materials3Core Social Science3  Core Literature I 1 3ENGR 2200 Introduction To Thermodynamics, Fluids And Heat Transfer3STAT 3010 Statistics for Engineers and Scientists3  ENGR 2050 Statics3ENGR 2350 Dynamics3  MATH 2630 Calculus III4MATH 2650 Linear Differential Equations3  CIVL 2010 Surveying3  17 15

6 AFTER HIGH SCHOOL PLAN  Curriculum-Junior  FallHoursSpringHours  CIVL 3010 Civil Engineering Analysis4 CIVL 3110 Hydraulics4  CIVL 3310 Geotechnical Engineering I4 CIVL 3230 Environmental Engineering4  CIVL 3410 Construction Engineering3 CIVL 3510 Transportation Engineering4  CIVL 3610 Structural Analysis4CIVL 3820 Civil Engineering Materials3  15 15

7 AFTER HIGH SCHOOL PLAN  Curriculum-Senior  FallHoursSpringHours  PHIL 1020 Introduction to Ethics or 1040 Business Ethics (Core Ethics)3 Core Fine Arts3  Science Elective 2 4Core Social Science3  Specialty Elective 2 6Specialty Elective 2 3  Technical Elective 2 3Technical Elective 2 3  Senior Design Project 2 3  UNIV 4AA0 University Graduation0  16 15  Total Hours: 134


9 RESUME Andrew Kimbro P.O. Box 7546 Brantley 36009 (334) 759-6500 Class of 2018, Brantley High School Football (8 years) Baseball (7 years) Church work (3 years) Cleanup Baseball Field (1 year) Junior Honor Society (1 year) All a’s (4 years) Hunting, fishing, baseball, football

10 JOB APPLICATION  Andrew Kimbro  P.O. Box 7565  10 years  (335) 756-6545  13  Civil engineering  No prefered hours  40  No  Full-or part-time

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