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Professor Susan Johnson EDU 235 Mariam Abubakar. 1.Children under five slides. 2.Swings. 3.School age children slides. 4.Basketball court. 5. Rear fence.

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Presentation on theme: "Professor Susan Johnson EDU 235 Mariam Abubakar. 1.Children under five slides. 2.Swings. 3.School age children slides. 4.Basketball court. 5. Rear fence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professor Susan Johnson EDU 235 Mariam Abubakar

2 1.Children under five slides. 2.Swings. 3.School age children slides. 4.Basketball court. 5. Rear fence of the swimming pool. 6. Parking lot.






8 1. I MPROPER P ROTECTIVE S URFACING : The surface under the playground is safe. It is made out of mulch. 2. I NADEQUATE U SE Z ONE : The area under/around playground equipment is covered with protective surfacing material (mulch) and it is extended more than 6 feet in all directions. Exit use zone is 8 feet. Both school age and Tot swings use zone area is extended the recommended space. 3. P ROTRUSION & E NTANGLEMENT : No hazards that could cut or strangle a child by catching items of clothing worn around the child's neck. 4. E NTRAPMENT IN O PENINGS : No head entrapment hazards. No opening on the playground equipment that measures between 3.5 to 9 inches.

9 5. I NSUFFICIENT E QUIPMENTAL S PACING : No hazards that could cause unsafe play such as improper spacing between pieces of play equipment. 6. T RIP H AZARD : No trip hazards such as tree roots and rocks. 7. L ACK OF S UPERVISION : benches are made available to provide adults supervision of children. 8. A GE - INAPPROPRIATE A CTIVITIES : Equipment on the playground is appropriate for the age of the intended user. 9. L ACK OF M AINTENANCE : No evidence of lack of maintenance such as missing, broken, or worn-out components.

10 10. C RUSH, S HEARING AND S HARP E DGE H AZARDS : No sharp edges or points that could penetrate skin. 11. P LAT FORMS WITH N O G UARDRAILS : Elevated platforms have guardrail. 12. E QUIPMENT N OT R ECOMMENDED F OR P UBLIC P LAYGROUNDS : No equipment that is not recommended for public playground. END OF DIRTY DOZEN CHECKLIST.

11 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AGE: Children up to 12 years old. Equipment is appropriate for children's age. Equipment designed for children under 5 is separated form equipment designed for children 5 to 12 years of age. Children were supervised by adults at all times. An adult was sitting on the bench facing the children. Children were using the slides (sliding feet first). Children were playing on the swings in the manner intended. Children were not engaged in any type of unsafe behavior. There was no any equipment that is over/under utilized. Playground is for public use. Everyone can use it. The outside of the playground contains a parking lot, houses, and the back side of a swimming pool building.

12 Summary: This playground is located in a neighborhood. It is accessed by everyone. Being close to a swimming pool makes it busy but not overcrowded. The equipment are in good shape and inspected routinely. The design of the playground is wonderful. There are benches right in front of the slides for the adults to sit on and supervise children. Also, the area designed for children 5 to 12 years old is separated from the area designed for children under five. It is as if the little ones have their own playground to be save from getting bumped to older children. The area designed for children under five has a fence that has a door that opens and closes. In terms of safety, it is very safe. The parking lot is at the end of the playground and it is separated from the playground by the basketball court. The swimming pool doesn't' t make the playground unsafe because the entrance of the swimming pool is not connected to the playground. Children can only see the back fence of the swimming pool building. Also, there is a road that is right across of the playground but it is not visible to the children because of the thick bushes planted there. There is nothing I would change about this playground. It is safe. Warnings such as remove children's mittens and scarves before using equipment, never leave children unsupervised, etc are posted on equipment. This playground meets the state and national safety standers. End of Playground Analyses.

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