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1. Safety Signs in Schools All schools should have: 1.Student Laboratory Rules on walls of all Laboratories.Laboratory Rules 2.A set of simple Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Safety Signs in Schools All schools should have: 1.Student Laboratory Rules on walls of all Laboratories.Laboratory Rules 2.A set of simple Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Safety Signs in Schools All schools should have: 1.Student Laboratory Rules on walls of all Laboratories.Laboratory Rules 2.A set of simple Laboratory Rules to be glued into student workbooks or booklet handoutsLaboratory Rules 2

3 Safety Signs in Schools All Laboratory doors should have warning signs to students. warning All Preparation Rooms should have warning signs to students. warning All Chemical Storage areas should be clearly labeled.Chemical Storage Refrigerators should be labeled if containing chemicalslabeled 3

4 Safety Training Every school should have in place a Safety Training program for STAFF and STUDENTS. Safety Training This should occur as part of the first week of the academic year for new staff and all students. 4

5 Inventories of all Equipment and Chemicals All schools should have Inventories of all chemicals and equipment held at the school Inventories Acknowledgement for preparation of this sample Inventory goes to Mr Abdel Ghafar, New Al Rayyan Secondary School for Boys 5

6 Inventories of all Equipment and Chemicals All schools should have a hard copy of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS1), (MSDS2), (MSDS3) for every chemical held in the school.MSDS1MSDS2MSDS3 These copies should be in one folder. 6

7 Chemical Disposal You may have chemicals which are: 1.Out of Date 2.Unlabelled (unknown) 3.Dangerous 7

8 Chemical Disposal These chemicals will need to be disposed of in one of the following ways: 1.Down the sink with excess water 2.Treated in some way first, then wash to waste or other treatment 3.Collected by a company and disposed of safely (all J chemicals and unlabelled chemicals) 8

9 Chemical Disposal What you need to do. 1. Prepare a list of all chemicals which need to be disposed of including quantities. 2. Dispose of those chemicals that you can, using the “Aspects of Science Management” pp. 50 – 61Aspects of Science Management 3. Prepare a list of chemicals which need to be disposed of by an outside agency. All J chemicals and unlabelled chemicals. 9

10 Chemical Disposal What you need to do. Include on your list of chemicals to be disposed, any of the following that you have in your school: Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride Potassium chlorate (potentially explosive with MnO 2 ) Mercury Mercuric salts (eg. mercuric oxide, HgO) 10

11 Chemical Disposal For the list of chemicals that need to be disposed of, by an outside agency (all J chemicals that you are not going to keep): 1.Complete the table by downloading from http://csoscience.wordpress.comtable 2. Email this table to Greg Neave at 3. Your school will need to contact a company to dispose of all chemicals. ChemTech Trading WLL - Ram Kumar Ph. 44651234 Email: ExxonMobil - English/files/forms/contactus.aspx Ph. +420-239-016-274 English/files/forms/contactus.aspx Mesaieed Industrial City Mesaieed Industrial City 11

12 Practice Examples Explain what you would do now, if you find the following chemicals in your school which are out of date: 1. Ammonium metavanadate 2. Acetamide 3. Aluminium oxide 4. Ammonium carbonate 5. Ammonium dichromate 12

13 Practice Examples 1.Ammonium metavanadate Disposal Method J Store safely for collection and disposal by an outside agency 13

14 Practice Examples 2. Acetamide Disposal Method D Wash to waste with running water. 14

15 Practice Examples 3. Aluminium oxide Disposal method K Dispose in normal waste bins. 15

16 Practice Examples 4. Ammonium carbonate Disposal Method C Add a little at a time to a large quantity of water to dissolve. Wash to waste with running water. 16

17 Practice Examples 5. Ammonium dichromate Disposal Method J Store safely for collection and disposal by an outside agency. This is a powerful oxidizing substance and should be stored away from all other chemicals especially organic substances. 17

18 In Summary: 1.Complete a chemical and equipment Inventory for your school (+MSDS’s). 2. Prepare a list of chemicals which are: Out of Date Unlabelled (unknown) Dangerous (J chemicals) 3. Dispose of as many of these as you can safely. 4. Email the final list to be disposed to Greg by 30 th May, 2011 18

19 QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS? Chemical Management General Handling p39 Storage p41 Incompatible Substances p45 Unwanted Chemicals p51 19

20 SCIENCE SAFETY QUIZ Please complete the answers to the Science Safety Quiz in Arabic or English. You do not need to write your name. Work alone do not share ideas. 20

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