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Intermediate Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics.

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Presentation on theme: "Intermediate Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intermediate Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics

2 Sharing: Progress Update At the last session you completed the purple sheet Share DI successes

3 Group Problem Solving Task In groups of four, each group member takes a card from the envelope Collaboratively solve the problem using each members clue Reflect on the benefits of group problem solving Be prepared to share with the whole group how this can support DI

4 What effective DI looks and sounds like Make predictions for each indicator based on your experience Watch the video and note observations Be prepared to share with the whole group how this can support DI

5 Mathematical Processes: The actions of mathematics Ways of acquiring and using the content, knowledge and skills of mathematics Processes endure much longer than the content expectations

6 Mathematical Processes The revised Mathematics curriculum identifies 7 process expectations They are found on pages 11 to 17 of the revised curriculum document Can you name them without looking? Reasoning and Proving Reflecting RepresentingConnecting Selecting Tools and Strategies Problem Solving Communicating

7 Last Word Activity You will each get a large page with the definition of a process on the front The other people in your group will tell you what that process looks and sounds like in your class You have the last word using the information found on the back Take turns

8 What is the goal of teaching through the Mathematical Processes? Problem solvers and life long learners

9 Connecting Achievement Chart and Mathematical Processes Reasoning and Proving Thinking Problem Solving Knowledge and Understanding Reflecting Communication Application RepresentingCommunicating Selecting Tools and StrategiesConnecting Procedural KnowledgeConceptual Understanding Mathematical Processes

10 Math Processes Posters

11 Think, Pair, Share Think: Review BLM 1.5 Where are your strengths? weaknesses? Pair In your classroom, how might you shift your focus to better reflect the indicators? Share Share your reflections on the indicators

12 LUNCH Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

13 Frayer Model Samples:

14 Proportional Reasoning Create your own Frayer Model for Proportional Reasoning In your group: combine your work to make one Frayer Model to share DefinitionFacts/Characteristics Examples Non-examples

15 Ranking Problems on a Continuum Rank the problems in the six envelopes on a continuum of “simplest=1” to “most challenging=6”

16 Self Assessment Consider your comfort level with DI, as it relates to proportional reasoning Form a line based on your comfort level Discuss your placement choice with teachers near you to confirm you have positioned yourself appropriately. Adjust if necessary.

17 Group Problem Solving Task In groups of four, each group member takes a card from the envelope Collaboratively solve the problem using each members clue Choose another problem to solve (groups of 3 or 4) Reflect the similarities and differences between your two problems Be prepared to share with the whole group how this can support DI

18 A Flowchart for DI

19 Grade 9 Curriculum Document Revised and implemented in September 2005 Grade 9 has two streams: Academic Applied Locally Developed Compulsory Credit Math (MAT1L) is in a separate document

20 Balancing Instructional Time Given that each strand must be reported on twice, should you spend an equal amount of time on each strand?

21 EQAO Strand Percentages

22 Jig Saw Activity: Home Group: Teachers from your school Expert Group: Assigned by numbered heads In your expert group, for your assigned grade 9 applied strand: determine the big ideas determine the related grade 7 and/or 8 expectations Return to your home group and take turns reporting your findings

23 Balancing Instructional Time Given that each strand must be reported on twice, should you spend an equal amount of time on each strand?

24 Manipulatives and Problems Carousel You now have an opportunity for self directed learning on the effective use of manipulatives There are 3 stations on the use of manipulatives Work at your own pace with other interested people Have fun

25 Carousel Stations Tangrams Geoboards Relational Rods

26 Now for the Goodies… Your kit contains overhead versions of the common manipulatives for your grade 7&8 math program The kit belongs to the school

27 Good Morning Miss Tolliver

28 Homework Review your long range plans in light of the discussion of balancing instructional time – remember plans can change Become familiar with the Ministry Classroom Learning for Students. Come prepared to share cheers and challenges Come prepared to report on an experience of using one of your new manipulatives in your classroom

29 Thanks: If you have a question, please contact us: Maggie Boss – Academic Consultant for Differentiated Instructions (K-8) x24171 Dwight Stead – Mathematical Literacy Consultant (7-12) x24533

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