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Harbors Module NH3: Formulation – Measures, Strategies and Plans.

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Presentation on theme: "Harbors Module NH3: Formulation – Measures, Strategies and Plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harbors Module NH3: Formulation – Measures, Strategies and Plans

2 NH3 - 2 BU ILDING STRONG SM Student Learning Objectives The student will be able to:  Identify management measures  Develop plan formulation strategies for navigation projects  Use strategies to formulate alternative plans  Explain the basic economic evaluation of navigation plans

3 NH3 - 3 BU ILDING STRONG SM Deep-Draft Navigation Formulation  Meets objectives  Accommodate larger ships  Reduce traffic delays  Increase safety  Recognizes constraints  Resources – endangered species  Institutional – disposal  Financial – sponsor’s resources  Develops  Management measures  Plan formulation strategies  Plans

4 NH3 - 4 BU ILDING STRONG SM Approach to Formulation  Interview experienced and/or technical experts  Consult documents of similar studies  Group exercises – brainstorming

5 NH3 - 5 BU ILDING STRONG SM Identifying Management Measures  Structural measures  Nonstructural measures Exercise: Let’s Brainstorm a list

6 NH3 - 6 BU ILDING STRONG SM Structural Measures  Channel deepening and widening  Anchorages  Breakwaters  Berthing areas  Mooring areas  Disposal areas  Methods e.g phased construction

7 NH3 - 7 BU ILDING STRONG SM Structural Measures (Breakwater, confined disposal site)

8 NH3 - 8 BU ILDING STRONG SM Structural Measures (Detached straight breakwater)

9 NH3 - 9 BU ILDING STRONG SM Structural Measures (Small boat harbor associated with deep draft)

10 NH3 - 10 BU ILDING STRONG SM Structural Measures (Harbor deepening)

11 NH3 - 11 BU ILDING STRONG SM Structural Measures (Dredging & Beach Nourishment)

12 NH3 - 12 BU ILDING STRONG SM Structural Measures (Jetty Construction)

13 NH3 - 13 BU ILDING STRONG SM Nonstructural Measures  Operational practices  Traffic Controls  Changes in operating procedures (tides, lightering,etc)  Modification of local service facilities  Storage  Berthing  Structural measures by non-Federal interests are often referred to as nonstructural measures.

14 NH3 - 14 BU ILDING STRONG SM Develop Plan Formulation Strategies Strategies would reflect the desires of the non- Federal sponsor and other stakeholders  Avoid high cost relocations  Avoid significant environmental resources  Serve different terminals/ports  Evaluate the impacts of adding channel reaches  Addressing different combinations of the planning objectives  Remember disposal options and beneficial uses  Make sure that all stakeholders are involved in the development of formulation strategies

15 NH3 - 15 BU ILDING STRONG SM Formulate Alternatives  Combining measures – examples  Channel deepening with anchorages  Channel deepening with phased widening  Traffic management with anchorages  Channel deepening with beneficial uses of dredged material  Synergies – look for opportunities to serve other needs

16 NH3 - 16 BU ILDING STRONG SM Evaluation of Alternatives  Verify technical/engineering feasibility  Evaluate environmental impacts  Perform economic analysis of costs and benefits  Account for uncertainty through sensitivity analysis

17 NH3 - 17 BU ILDING STRONG SM NED Costs  Construction costs  General Navigation Facilities  Project features – breakwaters, jetties, etc.  Dredging and disposal  Real estate  Mitigation  Local Service Facilities  Operation and maintenance costs  Interest during construction  Associated costs

18 NH3 - 18 BU ILDING STRONG SM Associated Costs – What Are They and Who Pays  Frequently overlooked because  Often not paid by non-Federal partner  Incurred by project users  Associated with the general navigation feature to achieve the estimated benefits  Represent costs not otherwise accounted for  Variable costs of doing business  May not be self-liquidating  Related to project throughput

19 NH3 - 19 BU ILDING STRONG SM NED Benefits – Basically Savings in Transportation Unit Costs  Cost Reduction Benefit (same origin-destination and same mode).  Reductions in costs incurred from trip delays  Increased loads in existing ships  Reduction in costs because larger or longer tows  Reduction in costs because of using larger ships  Change in mode benefits  Shift of origin-destination benefits  Induced movement benefit (if you build it, will they come?)  Reduction in vessel damages

20 NH3 - 20 BU ILDING STRONG SM Take Away Points  Plan formulation is the art of creating plans to address the objectives and constraints related to navigation problems and opportunities  Don’t reinvent the wheel. Use previous studies, conduct interviews and brainstorm.  In developing plan formulation strategies, you need to understand the basic policies affecting plans for navigation improvements. Be sure to consider timing as well as the measures themselves.  Breakpoints in costs are especially important to formulation and associated costs need to be included in the analysis

21 NH3 - 21 BU ILDING STRONG SM Where We are Going  Next, we’ll cover reformulation to optimize the alternative plans.  We’ll cover incremental analysis and learn to identify the NED plan.  We’ll also learn how to deal with locally preferred plans

22 NH3 - 22 BU ILDING STRONG SM What issues would arise in having formulation accomplished as an in-kind service? Challenge Question:

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